Heads of
Commonwealth Universities Gather at
英联邦大学首脑云集 |
The Association of
Commonwealth Universities (ACU) Conference of
Executive Heads 2011, entitled ‘Higher Education
in Hard Times—Risk, Reputation, Reform:
Developing New Business in a Changing
Environment’, was held in Hong Kong from 6 to 8
April. Organized by the ACU, and co-hosted by
three local ACU member universities, namely,
CUHK, the University of Hong Kong and the Open
University of Hong Kong, the threeday conference
focused on critical issues that heads of
institutions need to know in developing their
future business strategies. The conference
attracted over 150 participants from 22
countries and some 50 guests from local higher
education institutions.
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Undergraduate Students Awarded the Newly
Established Innovation and Technology
Scholarships |
六名中大本科生获颁新设的创新科技奖学金 |
Six undergraduate students of The Chinese
University of Hong Kong have been selected as
the recipients under the Innovation and
Technology Scholarship Award Scheme. The Award
Scheme aims to provide recognition to
outstanding undergraduates in universities in
Hong Kong as well as widening their
international/Mainland exposure and gaining
industry experience. With the sponsorship and
support of the Innovation and Technology
Commission and The Hongkong Bank Foundation, the
Scheme has been organized by The Hong Kong
Federation of Youth Groups for its first time in
The Award Scheme comprises various
components, namely the overseas/mainland
attachment programme, local internship
programme, mentorship programme and service
project programme. The maximum award amount for
each recipient is HK$100,000.
The Presentation Ceremony of the Innovation
and Technology Scholarship Award Scheme was held
on 28 April. One of the CUHK awardees, Mr. Lee
Wai Tong majoring in Computer Science, was
invited to have the “Heart-to-Heart Talk” with
the Chairman of the Research Grants Council,
Professor Roland Chin, JP. Mr. Lee started his
innovation of software when he was studying in
secondary school and succeeded to develop
popular software for downloading from mobile
创新科技奖学金计划颁奖典礼于四月二十八日举行。中大其中一名主修计算器科学的得奖同学利伟棠更获邀与研究资助局主席钱大康教授真情对话。利同学早在中学时已进行开发研究,并成功创作出众多手机用户下载的软件。 | |
CUHK Pioneers DNA
Chip for Prenatal Diagnosis in HK |
中大率先引入基因晶(芯)片技术作胎儿产前诊断 |
The Department of Obstetrics
and Gynaecology at The Chinese University of
Hong Kong (CUHK) is one of the leaders for first
trimester screening for Down syndrome in Hong
Kong. Since the introduction of ultrasound
nuchal translucency (NT) measurement in the
OSCAR (One-Stop Clinic for Assessment of Risk)
clinic, the Department has been servicing a
substantially increasing demand for first
trimester screening. Since July 2010, the
Hospital Authority has started to offer this
screening test to all Hong Kong pregnant women
free of charge. 
香港中文大学(中大)妇产科学系是香港最早开展早孕期唐氏综合症筛查项目标机构之一。自学系于2003年将胎儿后颈皮下透明层测量(NT, 即度颈皮)纳入早孕期一站式唐氏综合症筛查(OSCAR)项目后,此产前检查项目的需求有增无减。医院管理局更由2010年7月开始为全港孕妇免费提供此产前检查项目。 | |
任志刚谈中国货币及汇率政策 |
香港中文大学全球经济及金融研究所任志刚教授于5月24日于中大开讲,以「中国的货币及汇率政策」为题,吸引了超过四百名来自金融界、教育界、新闻界等专业人士及公众参加,全场爆满。 这次讲座是中大全球经济及金融研究所成立后首场大型公开讲座,由研究所杰出研究员、中国金融学会执行副会长兼香港金融管理局前总裁任志刚教授主讲,探讨人 民币政策此国际热门课题。任教授以深入浅出的方法,介绍中国货币政策的目标及配合政策的工具,以及人民币汇率的形成机制,剖析中国货币及汇率政策对全球经济的影响。
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The Seventh
Chinese Universities Shakespeare Festival
Performance Finals |
第七届中国大学莎剧比赛在中大举行决赛 |
The Seventh Chinese Universities
Shakespeare Festival, co-organized by the
Department of English and the Office of the Arts
Administrator at The Chinese University of Hong
Kong (CUHK) and sponsored by the Dr. Tien Chang
Lin Technology Innovation Foundation, held its performance finals at Sir Run Run Shaw Hall,
CUHK, from 23 to 25 May at 3:00pm. Competing
teams presented selected scenes from
Shakespeare's renowned plays in innovative and
entertaining ways to all audiences.
On the previous six occasions, the Chinese
Universities Shakespeare Festival proved to be
an ideal platform for students to experience the
drama and imagination of the finest English poet
who ever lived. It also successfully promoted
English learning and cultural exchange between
East and West.  |
英国伟大诗人及剧作家莎士比亚已逝世四百载,其作品却历久常新。「中国大学莎剧比赛」旨在透过中国大学生演出莎士比亚的戏剧,让学生学习英语戏剧的精萃,并推广英语学习及促进中西文化交流。 |
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高中: 广东省实验中学
问: |
学生毕业后可留港工作吗? |
答: |
政府已放宽外地生在毕业后可留港12个月,期间毕业生如获聘,须向入境处申请工作签证,并提交证明文件如聘书、公司财政状况、公司简介等。入境处一般约需4星期时间审批。 |
问: |
学生毕业后可申请香港居留权吗? |
答: |
可以。学生如通常性连续居港满7年,即可向入境处申请香港居留权。如修读4年本科课程,再修读3年研究院课程;或毕业后留港工作3年,即可申请。入境处会独立审批个别个案。 |
问: |
内地学生毕业后的出路如何?可留港或到海外升学吗? |
答: |
Alan Wong (Business
Administration, Year 3)
黄嘉辉 (工商管理, 三年级)
(Source 资料来源: CUHK Newsletter/No. 377/4 May 11 中大通讯/第三七七期/二零一一年五月四日)
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10th Anniversary
读书会十周年纪念专场:天南地北论读书 |
Speaker: |
Chan Kow Tak, Leung Cheuk
Yan, Tse On, Don Liu、Cheung Suk Kin、Cheung Chan
Fai and other founders of Bookclub |
讲者: |
张灿辉及其它读书会创办人 |
Date: |
10 June 2011 (Friday) |
日期: |
2011年6月10日 (星期五) |
Time: |
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm |
时间: |
下午7:00 至9:00 |
Venue: |
Lecture Theatre, School
of Continuing and Professional Studies,
CUHK, Unit A, 1/F, Bank of America Tower 12
Harcourt Road, Central, Hong Kong |
地点: |
中大专业进修学院演讲厅 |
Admission: |
Free. Please register here. |
报名: |
费用全免。请按此报名。 |
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