
我们亦欢迎你浏览本处的网页www.cuhk.edu.hk/adm,留意最新的入学信息。 若有任何问题,亦欢迎随时向我们提出。


A Message from the Director of Admissions and Financial Aid

We were most delighted to know that you are interested in The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and that many of you and your parents also visited our campus on our Orientation Day for Undergraduate Admissions held on 10 October 2009.

To keep you abreast with the latest developments of the University and to share with you all the exciting happenings on campus, my Office is issuing an abridged version of CUHK E-News for prospective applicants.

CUHK is unique in that it is the only university in Hong Kong that has a college system, where its 10,000 undergraduates learn not only through a comprehensive academic curriculum but also by participating in a wide range of extracurricular activities.

For some of these activities, participation is not restricted to CU members only. You are most welcome to attend a series of public lectures, including those by renowned scholars and prominent leaders from around the world. The University Art Museum is also open to the public, and you may wish to come on a weekend to view its exhibits. A variety of arts and cultural programmes are also being presented on a regular basis at the Sir Run Run Shaw Hall.

Information on the various activities and events will be listed in each issue. We understand that you are studying on the mainland at the moment and are unable to attend these events. However, the information provided would give you some ideas of the range of activities that are available on campus. You are most welcome to take part in any of the listed activities that is of interest to you.

In the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact us should you need any information or assistance or you may visit our admissions website at www.cuhk.edu.hk/adm from time to time for the latest news.






Professor Charles K. Kao, our former Vice-Chancellor, has been awarded the 2009 Nobel Prize in Physics by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences for his "groudbreaking achievements concerning the transmission of light in fibres for optical communication."

Professor Kao is known as the "Father of Fibre optics". He developed the principles of fibre optics with his own insight and turned optical fibre communication into reality, eventually heralding the age of the Internet. The high-speed network communication that is now such an integral part of modern living owes much to Professor Charles Kao, the trailblazer.

Professor Kao's relationship with CUHK goes back almost 40 years. In 1970, he joined the then Department of Electronics as a professor and head of department. The next four years saw him laying the foundation for its programmes. He became the first Professor of Electronics at CUHK.

The University has now launched a website on Prof. Charles K. Kao. Please visit http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/cpr/charleskao to view the biography of Prof. Kao, his long-term ties with and contribution to CUHK.




香港中文大学(中大)宣布邀得国际经济学权威、一九九九年诺贝尔经济学奖得主、「欧罗之父」蒙代尔教授(Professor Robert A. Mundell)于本年九月一日出任博文讲座教授。目前,中大有五位蜚声国际的大师出任博文讲座教授,其中三位为诺贝尔奖得主,为全港唯一一所拥有诺贝尔奖得主任教的大学。蒙代尔教授出任中大博文讲座教授后,每年将会居留中大两个月讲学,以促进学术发展。



Nobel Laureate in Economics Joined CUHK as
Distinguished Professor-at-Large
Professor Robert Mundell Lectured at CUHK on Global Financial Crisis

Professor Robert A. Mundell, world-renowned economist and Nobel Laureate in Economic Sciences 1999, joined The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) as Distinguished Professor-at-Large on 1 September 2009. Currently, five world-class masters are serving as Distinguished Professor-at-Large at CUHK, three of them Nobel Laureates. CUHK is also the only university in Hong Kong with Nobel Laureates among its faculty members. As Distinguished Professor-at-Large, Professor Mundell will stay at the Chinese University for two months each year to do teaching and provide leadership for the cause of general academic advancement.

To mark the first anniversary of the financial tsunami, Professor Mundell gave a lecture titled ‘Financial Crisis and Its Implications for the Future of the International Monetary System’ on CUHK campus. The lecture was warmly received by six hundred CUHK staff and students, members of the political, business, and academic sectors, and the public.








香港中文大学专业会计学的毕业生,于二零零九年六月香港会计师公会举办的会计师专业资格课程期终考试中囊括各主要奖项,是历年来首次由同一所大学的毕业生同时夺得金、银、铜奖及ICAEW/Simon Morris Mermorial Prize。二零零八及零九年共有九名中大毕业生于香港不同的考试单元获得十三项殊荣。


CUHK Accountancy Graduates Swept All Top Awards
in the Latest HKICPA’s QP Final Examination

Graduates from the BBA in Professional Accountancy Programme (PAC) of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) won all the top awards in the latest Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA) Qualification Programme (QP) Examination held in June 2009. It is the first time ever in the history of the QP that the Gold, Silver, bronze and the ICAEW/Simon Morris Memorial Prize have all been awarded to graduates from the same university. In total, nine CUHK graduates seized 13 top prizes in the QP module examinations held in 2008 and 2009.


(Source: CUHK Newsletter/No. 344/4 Oct 09)
(资料来源: 中大通讯/第三四四期/二零零九年十月四日)


全文 Details

NO ARMS, NO LEGS, NO WORRIES ! - Attitude Is Altitude Seminar
by Nick Vujicic

Date 日期: November 9, 2009 (Monday)
Time 时间: 12:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Organiser 主办单位: Chaplain’s Office, Chung Chi College, PMA Music Foundation (PMF)
Venue 地点: Chung Chi College Chapel 崇基学院礼拜堂
Admission 报名: Free Admission First-come First-Served
Enquiry 查询: 2609 6982, 3163 4144
"CU Culture Trail" Guided Tour
Art Exhibition, New Asia College
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