The Asian Journal of English Language Teaching (AJELT) encourages submission of previously unpublished articles that (1) link ESL/EFL theory, research, and pedagogy and (2) relate specifically to teaching English to Asians at the university level. Reviews of books and multimedia resources and reports of ongoing projects are also welcome.
Articles. Submissions should be typed and no more than 20-pages double-spaced in length. Authors should include a cover page with the full title of the paper, the author's name, address, phone number, and if available, the fax number and e-mail address. The author's name should not appear elsewhere in the article. Please submit three copies of the article.
References. In the text, references should be cited using the author's last name and year of publication. If quotations are used, these should additionally have page numbers (Wong & Lam, 1993, p. 291). The reference list should be arranged alphabetically following the guidelines of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (4th ed.). TESOL Quarterly and English for Specific Purposes Journal follow these guidelines.
Abstracts. All articles should have an abstract between 100 and 200 words in length.
Tables and Figures. Numerical tables can be typeset. Figures (graphs, illustrations, symbols) must be submitted as camera ready.
You should receive acknowledgement of receipt of your article, followed by comments from referees. Articles accepted for inclusion in the next volume should be revised and returned in two forms: on paper and computer floppy disk (i.e., using Microsoft Word for PCs or Macintosh computers. Please state the version and computer type).
The Editors reserve the right to make minor changes within articles prior to publication.
Please send your manuscripts to the editors:
Gwendolyn Gong and George S. Braine
Editors, AJELT
Department of English
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Shatin, New Territories
Hong Kong | | | |
Phone | (852) 2609-7005/7007 |
Fax | (852) 2603-5270 |
Nicholas J. Dimmitt
Review Editor, AJELT
Asian Institute of Technology
Center for Language & Educational Technology
P.O. Box 4, Klong Luang
Pathum Thani, 12120
Thailand | |
Phone | (66-2) 524-5888 |
Fax | (66-2) 524-5872 |
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