Tracey Lu


08/1994-02/1998:  Dept. of Archaeology and Anthropology, Australian National University. Australia. Ph.D.

1985-1987: Dept. of Archaeology, Beijing University, China. M.Phil.

1979-1983: Dept. of Anthropology, Zhongshan University, China. BA.


Jerash in Jordan, the most well-preserved Roman site outside Italy

Professional memberships:

2009-present: ExCo committee member, Asian Academy for Heritage Management, UNESCO

2006-present: Member of the China Committee, International Council of Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS/China國際古蹟遺址保護協會中國委員會會員)

2000-present: Member of the Indo-Pacific Prehistoric Archaeology Association


Research interests:


Prehistoric archaeology in mainland China, Hong Kong and adjacent areas


Cultural heritage management in mainland China and Hong Kong


Museology: collection, documentation, exhibition design, politics of museum management and exhibition


Palaeoenvironmental and palaeoclimatic changes, fluctuations of natural resources, and the dynamics between natural and cultural changes


Representative publications

1. On heritage conservation


Peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters

Lu, Tracey L-D “Heritage Management in Post-colonial Hong Kong”, International Journal of Heritage Studies, Vol. 15(2-3): 258-272, 2009.

Lu, Tracey L-D “Some Issues on the Management of Archaeological Sites in Mainland China”, Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites, Vol. 10 (4): 353-366, 2008.

呂烈丹香港舊區重建中的文化遺產保育問題《城市文化國際研討會論文集》275-280頁,國家文物局編,北京:國家文物局出版2007 [“Some Issues on Heritage Conservation and Urban Renewal in Hong Kong”, in Proceedings of the International Conferences on Urban Cultures, pp. 275-280, ed. by the State Administration of Cultural Heritage (SACH). Beijing: SACH, 2007 (in Chinese)].

Lu, Tracey L-D "The Management of Two World Heritage Sites: Xidi and Hongcun in Anhui, China", in World Heritage: Global Challenges, Local Solutions, pp.87-94, eds. by White, Roger and John Carman. Oxford, United Kingdom: BAR International Series, 2007.


Referred conference papers

Lu, Tracey L-D “Urban Heritage Conservation in Two Cities: Comparing Hong Kong to Singapore”: peer-reviewed paper presented at the Society of East Asian Anthropology Congress at the Academica Sinica, Taipei, on 2nd July 2009.

Lu, Tracey L-D “The Construction of Social Memory in History Museums of Hong Kong and Macau”:  peer-reviewed paper presented at the presented at the 6th International World Archaeology Congress at the University of Dublin, 29th June-4th July 2008. 

Lu, Tracey L-D “Sudden ‘Nostalgia’: Heritage and Urban Development in Post-Colonial Hong Kong”: peer-reviewed paper presented at the International Conference on Heritage Conservation at the National University of Singapore, 6th Jan. 2009.


Occasional paper

Lu, Tracey L-D “The Management of Cultural Heritage in Hong Kong". Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies Occasional Paper No. 137. Hong Kong: the Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2003.


2. On archaeology



Tracey L-D Lu 2014 (in press) Museums in China: Power, Politics and Identities, Oxford and New York: Routledge.

呂烈丹《稻作與史前文化的發展》[The Origin and Development of Rice Cultivation and Prehistoric Cultural Development in China, 北京:科學出版社,2013].

香港中文大學人類學系(呂烈丹,約占25%),中國社會科學院考古研究所(傅憲國等六人),湖南省考古研究所和廣西壯族自治區文物隊合著 《香港史前文化研究》(書稿已被接受,即將由北京文物出版社出版)[Book: Prehistoric Cultures of Hong Kong, co-authored by Tracey L-D Lu  of the Anthropology Department of CUHK, Fu Xianguo and another five authors of the Institute of Archaeology CASS, Hunan Provincial Institute of Archaeology and Guangxi Archaeological Team. The Manuscript has been accepted for publication by the Cultural Relics Publishing House in Beijing].

Tracey L-D Lu 1999 The Transition from Foraging to Farming and the Origin of Agriculture in China. Oxford: Archaeopress.


Book chapters

Lu, Tracey L-D Coexistence in Prehistoric Guangdong, South China, in Co-existence and Cultural Transmission in East Asia, eds. by N. Matsumoto, H. Bessho and M. Tomii, pp. 41-54. Walnut, CA: Left Coast Press Inc. 2011.

呂烈丹 <澱粉殘餘分析在史前考古學中的應用問題>載《馬家濱文化國際學術研討會論文集》中國社會科學院考古研究所、浙江省考古所、嘉興市文化局主編92-102頁,浙江嘉興:嘉興市文化局2009 [“Some issues on the application of starch residue analysis in archaeological studies”, in Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Discovery of the Majiabang Culture, eds. by Institute of Archaeology CASS, Institute of Archaeology of Zhejiang Province and Cultural Bureau of the Jiaxing City, pp. 92-102, 2009. Zhejiang Jiaxing: Jiaxing Cultural Bureau(in Chinese)]

Lu, Tracey L-D "Archaeology History of China", in Encyclopaedia of Modern China, pp.41-54, chief editor David Pong.  MI: Cengage, 2009.

呂烈丹 桂林地區更新世末期到全新世初期的史前經濟和文化發展,載北京大學考古文博學院編《考古學研究》第7333-353頁。北京:科學出版社,2008 [“Prehistoric Subsistence Strategies and Cultural Development in Guilin from the Terminal Pleistocene to the Early Holocene”, in Archaeological Studies, Vol. 7: 333-353, ed. by the School of Archaeology and Museology, Peking University. Beijing: Science Press 2008 (in Chinese)].

Lu, Tracey L-D “Subsistence strategies at Zengpiyan, South China”, in “Prehistoric Technology” Forty Years Later: Functional Studies and the Russian Legacy, pp. 85-92, eds. by Longo and Skakun. Oxford, UK: Archaeopress, 2008.

Lu, Tracey L-D “Mid-Holocene Climate and Cultural Dynamics in Eastern Central China”, in Climate Changes and Cultural Dynamics: A Global Perspective on Mid-Holocene Transitions, pp. 297-329, eds. David. G. Anderson, Kirk A. Maasch and Daniel H. Sandweiss. London: Academic Press/Elsevier, 2007.

呂烈丹和蔣樂平 〈浙江浦江上山遺址植硅石分析初步報告〉,載《環境考古研究-中國第四屆環境考古學大會暨上山遺址學術研討會文集》80-83頁,莫多聞等主編。北京:北京大學出版社,2007 [“A preliminary study of phytolith found in Shangshan, Pujiang County”, first author, in Environmental Archaeology, pp. 80-83, eds. by Mo Duowen, Cao Jinyan, Zheng Wenhong, Yuan Jing and Cao Bingwu. Beijing: Peking University Press 2007]

呂烈丹〈史前工具研究的若干問題〉載中國社會科學院考古研究所編《華南及東南亞地區史前考古-紀念甑皮岩遺址發掘30週年國際學術研討會論文集》282-297 頁。北京:文物出版社2006 [“Several Issues on Prehistoric Lithic Study”, in Prehistoric Archaeology of South China and Southeast Asia-Proceedings of the International Conference to Celebrate the 30th Anniversary of the Excavation of Zengpiyan, pp. 282-297, Eds. by the Institute of Archaeology, CASS. Beijing: Cultural Relics Publishing House, 2006 (in Chinese)].

Lu, Tracey L-D “The Origin and Dispersal of Agriculture and Human Diaspora in East Asia”, in The Peopling of East Asia, pp. 51-63, eds. by Laurent Sagart, Roger Blench and Alicia Sanchez-Mazas. London, New York: Routledge Curzon, 2005.

Lu, Tracey L-D, Zhao Zhijun and Zhengzhuo “The Prehistoric and Historic Environments, Vegetations and Subsistence Strategies at Sha Ha, Sai Kung”, in The Ancient Culture of Hong Kong-Archaeological Discoveries in Sha Ha, Sai Kung, pp. 57-64, ed. by the Antiquities and Monuments Office, HKSAR. Hong Kong: Government Logistics Department, 2006 (My contribution to the paper: about 70%).

Lu, Tracey L-D “The Survival of Starch Residues in a Subtropical Environment” (a revised version of an early publication in 2003), in Ancient Starch Research, pp. 80-81, eds. Robin Torrence and Huw Barton. Walnut Creek, California: Left Coast Press, 2006.

Lu, Tracey L-D “The Exploitation of Taro in South China”, in The Proceedings of the IV International Congress of Ethnobotany, ed. by Fusun Ertug, pp. 413-417. Istanbul: Zero Prod. Ltd,  2006.

呂烈丹 <中國農業起源研究的回顧與思考>載鄧聰,陳星燦編《桃李成蹊集-慶祝安志敏先生八十壽辰》6166頁。香港:本地出版社2004 [“Rethinking the Origin and Development of Agriculture in China, in Proceedings to Celebrate the 80th Birthday of Prof. An, pp. 61-66, eds. by Tang Chung and Chen Xingcan. Hong Kong: The Local Printing Press, 2004 (in Chinese)].

呂烈丹 <孢粉種類所反映的生存環境>,載中國社會科學院考古所等編《桂林甑皮岩》251-269頁。北京:文物出版社2003 [“The Palaeoenvironment and Resources Based on Pollen Profiles”, in Zengpiyan-A Prehistoric Cave in South China, pp. 251-269, eds. by the Institute of Archaeology CASS et al. Beijing: Cultural Relics Publishing House, 2003 (in Chinese)].

呂烈丹 <石器和骨、角、蚌器製作工藝的分析和研究>,載中國社會科學院考古所等編《桂林甑皮岩》367-402頁。北京:文物出版社2003[“The Manufacturing Techniques of Stone and Organic tools”, in Zengpiyan-A Prehistoric Cave in South China pp. 367-402, eds. by the Institute of Archaeology CASS et al. Beijing: Cultural Relics Publishing House, 2003 (in Chinese)].

呂烈丹 <甑皮岩遺址出土石器表面殘餘物的初步分析>,載中國社會科學院考古所等編《桂林甑皮岩》646-651頁。北京:文物出版社2003[“Starch Residue Analysis of the Zengpiyan Tools”, in Zengpiyan-A Prehistoric Cave in South China, pp. 646-651, eds. by the Institute of Archaeology CASS et al. Beijing: Cultural Relics Publishing House, 2003 (in Chinese)].

呂烈丹 <西樵山石器原料霏細岩開採方法的實驗研究>,載北京大學考古系編《考古學研究》267280頁。北京:北京大學出版社1994[“Experimental Study of the Stone-mining Techniques at Neolithic Xiqiaoshan, Guangdong Province, China”, in A Collection of Archaeological Studies, pp. 267-280, ed. by the Department of Archaeology, Beijing University. Beijing: Beijing University Press, 1994 (in Chinese)]

呂烈丹 <西耳室>,載廣州市文物管理委員會等編《西漢南越王墓》,71143頁。北京:文物出版社1991[“The Western Chamber”, in Nanyue King’s Tomb of the Western Han Dynasty pp.71-143, eds. by the Guangzhou Antiquity Management Committee et al. Beijing: Cultural Relics Publishing House, 1991 (in Chinese)].

呂烈丹 <東側室>,載廣州市文物管理委員會等編《西漢南越王墓》,254272頁。北京:文物出版社1991 [“The Eastern Rear-chamber in Nanyue King’s Tomb of the Western Han Dynasty pp. 254-272, eds. by the Guangzhou Antiquity Management Committee et al. Beijing: Cultural Relics Publishing House, 1991 (in Chinese)].

王序,呂烈丹 <南越王墓出土絲織品鑒定報告>,載廣州市文物管理委員會等編《西漢南越王墓》,476497頁。北京:文物出版社1991[“Textile Remains Found in the Nanyue King’s Tomb” (second author), in Nanyue King’s Tomb of the Western Han Dynasty, pp. 476-497, eds. by the Guangzhou Antiquity Management Committee et al. Beijing: Cultural Relics Publishing House, 1991 (in Chinese).] (My contribution to the paper: about 40%).


Peer-reviewed journal articles

呂烈丹 <考古遺址出土野生和栽培稻的鑑定問題>,《南方文物》第3 72742009 [“Some questions in the identification of wild and domesticated rice found in archaeological sites”, Nanfuang Wenwu Vol. 3: 72-74, 2009 (in Chinese)]  

呂烈丹 <香港史前的自然資源和經濟形態>《考古》第6期,36-45頁,2007 [“Natural Resources and Subsistence Strategies in Prehistoric Hong Kong”, Kaogu Vol.6: 36-45.(in Chinese.)]

Lu, Tracey L-D “The Occurrence of Cereal Cultivation in China”. Asian Perspectives Vol. 45(2):130-158, 2006.

呂烈丹 <東亞地區更新世末期到全新世初期的文化發展初探>《東亞古物》第1期,118,2005[“Cultural Development in East Asia from the Terminal Pleistocene to the Early Holocene”, East Asian Antiquities Vol.1:1-18, 2005 (in Chinese)].

Lu, Tracey L-D “The transformation of academic culture in mainland Chinese archaeology”, Asian Anthropology Vol. 1: 117-152, 2002.

呂烈丹 <考古器物的殘餘物分析>《文物》第5期,83912002[“Residue Analysis of Archaeological Artefacts”. Relics (5):83-91, 2002 (in Chinese)].

Lu, Tracey L-D “A Green Foxtail (Setaria viridis) Cultivation Experiment in the Middle Yellow River Valley and Some Related Issues”. Asian Perspectives Vol. 41(1):1-14, 2002.

Lu, Tracey L-D “Les outils de rcolte de crales nolithiques de la valle du Fleuve Jaune (Harvesting tools in the Neolithic Yellow River Valley”, Annuals de la Fondation Fyssen: 103-114, 2001.

Lu, Tracey L-D “The Microblade Tradition in China: Its Evolution, Association and Significance”, Asian Perspective 37(1): 84-112, 1998.

Lu, Tracey L-D “From Barkcloth Beating to Silk Weaving: the Textile Industry from Prehistory to the western Han Dynasty in South China”, The Textile Museum Journal Vol. 36 & 37: 61-70, 1998.

Lu, Tracey L-D “Some Botanical Characteristics of Green Foxtail (Setaria viridis) and Harvesting Experiments on the Grass”, Antiquity 72 (278): 902-907, 1998.

Higham, Charles and Tracey L-D Lu “The Origins and Dispersal of Rice Cultivation”, Antiquity 72 (278): 867-877, 1998. (My contribution to the paper: about 40%.)

呂烈丹 <南越王墓發現的青銅印花版>,《考古》第11期,176178頁, 1989[“The Bronze Plates for Silk Textile Printing Discovered in the Nanyue King’s Tomb”. Kaogu 3: 176-178 1989. (in Chinese)].

項目符號 Working papers

The Origin and Development of Neolithic Cultures in Hong Kong, Paper presented at the International Conference on Heritage Conservation and Prehistoric Archaeology of South China on 14 Dec. 2007, Hong Kong. (Download pdf file)