
Chung Chi College was founded in 1951. To mark our 70th anniversary in 2021, an array of celebratory activities has been planned to be launched starting late 2020 throughout early 2022. While the celebration series will officially kick off in the fourth quarter this year, students, staff and alumni of the College are now invited to warm up for the grand celebration by participating in the 70th Anniversary Logo and Slogan Design Competitions and submitting entries for them. The winning entry in each of the Competitions may be adopted for use in the various 70thAnniversary publicity materials and souvenirs. All students, staff members and alumni of Chung Chi are most welcome to provide a creative design for our anniversary slogan and logo as we celebrate the important milestone of the College.


  • All full-time undergraduates, teachers, staff and alumni of Chung Chi College are welcome. Entry on individual or group basis is accepted.
  • However, members of the Judging Panel, including College Trustees, College Fellows, Exco members of the College Alumni Association, Exco members of the College Student Union, members of the College 70th Anniversary Celebration Organizing Committee and other individuals invited to the Judging Panel, are not eligible to join the Competitions.
  • Each participant / group can take part in either one or both Competitions. For each Competition, each person can submit only one entry either individually or in a group and duplicate entry by the same person is not allowed.
  • Chung Chi College has the final decision on the eligibility of the participants and participating groups.

Submission Period

From 1 June 2020 to 30 June 2020 (Hong Kong time, both days inclusive)

Submission Requirements

Anniversary Logo Design Competition

The following elements should be included:

  • 「70」or「七十」
  • 「崇基」、「Chung Chi」or 「CC」

Other requirements:

  • 300 dpi or above.
  • File size not exceeding 10MB.
  • JPEG or PNG is accepted.
  • Both colour and black / white versions must be submitted.
  • Hand-drawn works will not be accepted.
  • Editable digital files of the shortlisted entries will be requested.

  • Each entry must include a brief description (no more than 200 words, either in Chinese or English), illustrating the design concept.

Anniversary Slogan Design Competition

The following elements can be included:

  • Chung Chi spirit
  • Education achievements
  • Celebration
  • Inheritance
  • Vision

Other requirements:

  • Must be in Chinese
  • 6 to 14 Chinese words in total (not including punctuations)

  • Each entry must include a brief description (no more than 200 words, either in Chinese or English), illustrating the design concept.

Submission Method

The work, together with a 200-word description, should be submitted via the designated online form ( on or before June 30, 2020 (Tuesday).

Remarks for group entry:

The submission should be done by the contact person of the group. A detailed member list with the full Chinese and English names, year of study/graduation (if applicable), programme of study/department/unit, and participating identity (CC staff, student or alumni) of each member is requested too.

Judging Panel

The Judging Panel will comprise members of the Board of Trustees, Assembly of Fellows, Exco members of Alumni Association, Exco members of Student Union, 70th Anniversary Celebration Organizing Committee of the College as well as invited individuals, and will be responsible for selecting the winners of the two Competitions.

Selection Criteria

Anniversary Logo Design Competition

  • Relevance to the theme (25%)
  • Originality and creativity (25%)
  • Aesthetic quality (25%)
  • Depth of meaning (25%)

Anniversary Slogan Design Competition

  • Relevance to the theme (25%)
  • Originality and creativity (25%)
  • Use of language (25%)
  • Depth of meaning (25%)


  • Champion: HKD $5,000
  • 1st Runner-up: HKD $3,000
  • 2nd Runner-up: HKD $2,000
  • Merit: HKD $1,000

Winners for Slogan


Ms. IP Pui-Wah (1971/ Chinese Language & Literature)
Mr. TSANG Hin-kuen Brian (1972/ Sociology)
Ms. LI Siu-Man Katherine (1980/ Economics)
Ms. TONG Bik Kwan Bobo (1982/ Social Work)
Mr. TANG Hok Hoi Bosco (1983/ Social Work)

[Chinese version only]

內容描寫崇基願景。七十年來萬衆絃歌不絕, 既誦「至善勉同赴」(校歌),亦詠「源遠流長康樂未央」(學生會會歌)。上句始乎「崇山」, 以述校景,取義「高山仰止,景行行止」。崇基校訓「止於至善」即沿此意,而示「大學之道」(禮記)。所謂「萬衆」,乃敘創校以來培育英才約有三萬之衆,齊心共意。下句喻基石穩固,健步向前,自能薪火相傳,承先啟後。七旬之慶,其樂未央。育才願景,生生不息也。

1st runner-up

Mr. WONG Tsz Ming
(2005/ Information Engineering)

2nd runner-up

Mr. NGAI Yat Cheong
(2020/ Economics)


Mr. WAN Siu Mo
(1983/ Chinese Language & Literature)


Mr. CHAN Kin Ching
(4/ Electronic Engineering)

Terms and Conditions

  1. All entries must be first published and original works. The participant / group must ensure that the entry has not been publicly published in any forms or channels, involved in any uses or submitted to any other competitions.
  2. The entry must not be or include images, photographs, persons, trademarks, distinctive features, wording or other elements, for which the participant / group does not have the license and for which the participant / group cannot provide a license to use, publish, reproduce or print. The participant / group shall bear full legal and related liability for any infringement of intellectual property.
  3. The entry must not contain obscene, violent, pornographic, defamatory, objectionable, insulting or any of the controversial and inappropriate content.
  4. The entry shall not be exchanged, modified by or returned to the participant / group after submission.
  5. Chung Chi College will own the copyright of the winning slogans and logos. The College will have the right to use, reproduce, publish, distribute part or all of the contents of the entries, and modify the entries in any forms without geographical, frequency and time restrictions and with no compensation.
  6. All decisions made by the Judging Panel and Chung Chi College are final.
  7. Chung Chi College shall not be obliged to accept any entry as the logo and slogan of its 70th Anniversary, should the College consider that none of the entries submitted is appropriate.
  8. Chung Chi College reserves the absolute right to make final decisions in all matters related to the Competitions, including the interpretation, modification, cancellation or suspension of the terms and conditions, prizes and other arrangements at any time without prior notification.
  9. By submitting an entry, the participant / group is deemed to accept the above terms and regulations. Any violation of the terms and regulations may result in disqualification from the Competitions, subject to the final discretion of Chung Chi College. There is no appeal mechanism in the Competitions.
  10. All personal information of the participant / group collected will only be used for the purpose of selection of the Competitions and related matters.