Inter-faculty academic-related advising service

Principal Supervisor

Professor C.F. Chan, Faculty of Business Administration
Professor Chan Lai Wan, Faculty of Engineering
Professor W.Y. Poon, Faculty of Science


2 years & 7 months

Approved Budget

HK 1,500,000

  • Project Objectives
  • Description of process, outcomes or deliverable
  • Evaluation
  • Dissemination, diffusion and impact

Project Objectives

The project aims to develop a one-stop portal for an inter-faculty’s academic advising service to achieve the following objectives:

  • Help students map their professional development and so enable a smooth transition from University to the workplace
  • Form an infrastructure that allows courseware sharing across different disciplines on essential soft skills development and academic advising
  • Develop a knowledge database that can be used to gauge the utility of experiential learning and internship programme, and the demand for elective course(s)
  • Description of process, outcomes or deliverable

    The development of “Soft Skills Mentor” eLearning Platform has passed through three phases in which specific deliverables are defined. This allows the platform to be built in the right direction progressively.

    At the end of phase 3, the e-Learning platform’s number of modules and content of existing modules are expanded to include topics such as:
    Module Intended Learning Outcomes
    Resume Writing Effective Communication Skills
    Interviewing Skills
    Presentation Skills
    Social Etiquette
    Team Communications
    Case Analysis Skills Effective Analytical Skills
    Practical Information Technology Effective IT skills at Workplace
    Business Ethics Generic Knowledge in a Business Context
    5-min Business GE
    Career Planning A General Understanding of Career Development
    Career Outlook Development
    Professional Examination and Certification
    Internship Cases


    User’s performance figures were closely monitored. They record the traffic, reach and each module’s popularity. An online survey of students’ soft skills improvement will be designed and used to track the utility’s effectiveness in achieving the intended learning outcomes.

    Dissemination, diffusion and impact

    To enable further discussion on how to expand experiential learning via e-Learning diffusion, the relevant experiences accumulated through the development of Soft Skills Mentor in an inter-faculty, three-way collaboration were shared with and disseminated to Faculty of Social Science and Office of Student Affairs.

    There exist several dissemination opportunities in the form of Expo or workshops for CUHK teachers and administrators. They were the poster session on TDG Projects 2009-12 at the Seminar on the New Curriculum for 2012 on December 10, 2010, the Faculty of Science’s TDG workshop on May 17, 2011, the poster session on TDG projects 2009-12 for UGC Consultant’s Visit on June 15, 2011, and the poster presentation of Teaching and Learning Innovation Expo 2011 on November 11, 2011.