7 May 2009
With the theme for this year being “Creating Sustainable Impact – CSR as a Competitive Edge”, the Conference covered 7 timely and important topics, including CSR in times of Financial Tsunami, Responsible Supply Chain, Measuring CSR Activities, NGO & Business Partnership, CSR in SMEs, Carbon Disclosure, and Changing Mindsets – How to Acquire Knowledge to Advocate CSR in Companies and Business Schools. Attendees did not only explore with business professionals and CSR practitioners on how corporate social responsibility could address the current economic downturn through participating in interactive dialogues during the Conference; they also took away with them ideas as to why companies and organizations should stay optimistic about the future from the different panels and workshops. This year, the Conference committee was honored to have invited Mr. Robert Swan, OBE, renowned polar explorer who is regarded as the one of the world’s top 10 motivational speakers by Time Magazine, as the keynote speaker where he shared his experience about his expedition to the Poles and inspired the audience to take immediate actions against the threats of climate change and global warming. “This CUMBA student-led CSR Conference 2009 is definitely a great piece of history,” said Robert Swan, OBE. “With students bringing together such a meaningful event and seeing so many business professionals attending, this proves that business and industry are actually listening to young people and therefore it is very important to inspire our pillars of the future and do so in a sustainable manner.” Other valued guest speakers included representatives from ADM Capital Foundation, Allen & Overy, ASrIA, Booz & Company, Business Environment Council, Carbon Disclosure Project, CLP Holding Limited, Community Business, Credit Suisse, Edelman, Grameen Foundation, Greenlight Planet Inc., HKCSS – HSBC Social Enterprise Business Centre, INFACT Global Partners, Karstadt Quelle Group Purchasing, KMPG, Lloyd’s Register, MTR Corporation Limited, Peter F. Drucker Academy, RepuTex China Pte Limited, Reset (HK) Limited, Responsible Business Strategies, Sea Land Consulting Services Limited, Text 100, UBS and World Wide Fund for Nature Hong Kong. Brigit Fung, Chairlady of the CUMBA CSR Conference 2009, expressed her appreciation for the support of all partners in making this Conference happen. “While some people might still think that CSR is just a marketing gimmick, we could assure you with the results of our Conference and the participation of over 250 attendees and 120 corporations that an increasing number of companies are putting more emphasis on CSR because they realize the positive impact CSR is making on their businesses and its value in creating a sustainable future for their companies. It is indeed very important for individuals to get involved in CSR and I hope that through this conference attendees will start taking responsibility in contributing and making this world a better place.” This event was made possible through generous support from the following companies: Sponsors Media Partners Supporting Partners About CUMBA CSR Conference 2009 Held for its third year, CUMBA student-led CSR Conference 2009 is an annual event to create awareness on the latest CSR issues corporations and non-governmental organizations are facing; recognize successful implementation and integration of CSR in their corporate culture; and promote the growing importance of CSR in classrooms as well as the real business world across the region. Our theme for this year was “Creating Sustainable Impact – CSR as a Competitive Edge”. For more information about the Conference, please visit http://cumbacsr.baf.cuhk.edu.hk.