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Journal of Chinese Linguistics vol.39, no.2 (2011)

中国语言学报 39 卷 2期 (2011)

Article 文章

A diachronic perspective on causative variants and related passives in Southern Min — Interface between lexical properties and construction

I-hsuan Chen 陈怡璇; Chinfa Lien 連金发

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The linguistic secret of fanqie languages in Chinese

Wei Zhang 张慰

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On several principles in reconstructing a proto-language—with the reconstruction of tones and pre-initials *h- and *?- of proto-Yi
试论重构原始语言的若干原则——以原始彝语的声调及前置辅音 *h-和*/?-为例

Baoya Chen 陈保亚; Feng Wang 汪锋

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An explanation of the graphs yu, du and di in chu bamboo manuscripts: With an excursion on the related issues in paleography and historical linguistics
释楚简中的儥、䢱、觌: 兼及古文字学和古音学的相关问题

Guolong Lai 来国龙

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The structure of the Tangut verb

Guillaume Jacques 向柏霖

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The vowel pattern in dialect contact

Xianming Bei 贝先明; Feng Shi 石锋

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Monomorphemic and polymorphemic anaphors in L2 Chinese

Stano Kong 江丕贤

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Questioning the primacy of linguistic factors in Chinese and Japanese loanword adaptation trends

Kevin Heffernan 和凯文

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Review 书评

Review: The Bilingual Child: Early Development and Language Contact

Aijun Li 李爱军

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Review: Diachronic Change and Language Contact: Dialects in South East China
书评: 《 历时演变与语言接触 中国东南方言》

Ying Fan; Yongxian Luo 罗永现

Abstract 摘要 PDF
Review: Computer Processing of Asian Spoken Languages
书评: 《 亚洲口语的计算机处理》

Caicai Zhang 张偲偲; Gang Peng 彭刚

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New Publication 出版消息

New Journal and New Series

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