Zhai Yongming 1955-

Zhai Yongming was born in 1955 in Chengdu, China. She graduated from high school in 1974, and was 'rusticated' in the last two years of the Cultural Revolution. After she returned to Chengdu, she earned a degree in communication technology. She began to publish her poems in 1981. In 1984 she wrote her first poem cycle, 'Women', which was followed by such sequences as 'Jing'an Village', 'Life in This World', and 'The Designs of Death'. Her poetry collections include Women (1986), Above All the Roses (1989), Collected Poems of Zhai Yongming (1994) and Plain Songs in the Dark Night (1997). She has been invited to international conferences and poetry festivals in England, Holland, France and Italy, and had spent some eighteen months in the USA in 1990-1992.
