The 10th International Young Scholars’ Symposium on "Christianity and Chinese Society and Culture" (2020)
Date: December 9-13, 2020, Wednesday to Sunday*
Venue: Chung Chi College, CUHK
Deadline for application: September 15, 2020
*Arrangement of the conference will be reviewed and revised in view of the development and impact of COVID-19. Please stay tuned to us.
Students of Research Postgraduate Programme (including MPhil and PhD students), young MPhil, PhD, post-doctoral fellows, and junior faculty members with PhD degree and less than three years of teaching experience from any accredited tertiary institutions and seminaries worldwide;
Paper proposed should under the theme of “Christianity and Chinese Society and Culture”.
Paper proposed must be original and unpublished work written in either Chinese or English language.
Please fill in this form for online application;
Applicants should submit the following items:
i) a brief Curriculum Vitae
ii) abstract (in about 500 words)
iii) full paper (in no more than 10,000 words)
Deadline for application: September 15, 2020;
Application results will be announced by November, 2020. On condition that participants would attend all scheduled academic activities throughout the symposium, partial travel subsidy and full accommodation during the symposium will be provided for successful non-local applicants.
Centre for Christian Studies,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Tel:(852)3943-1034 /3943-8155
Web Site:http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/theology/ccs/