LAI Pan Chiu
賴品超 教授
Dean of Faculty of Arts
M.Div. (CUHK); Ph.D. (London)
(852) 2609 6465 Email:
Associate Dean of Faculty of Arts
Research Interests:
- Modern Christian Thought
- Inter-religious Dialogue
- Christianity and Chinese Culture
- Environmental Ethics
- Religion and Natural Science
Current Research Projects:
- Cultural Christians in Cultural and Theological Perspectives (January 2008-December 2009), supported by Competitive Earmarked Research Grant 2007-2008.
- Heavenly Kingdom and Pure Land: Transformation of their Interpretations in Modern Chinese Buddhism and Christianity (January 2006-December 2007), supported by Competitive Earmarked Research Grant 2005-2006.
- Chinese-Christian Identity in Migration: Protestant Theology in Hong Kong 1950s-70s (January 2005-December 2006), project supported by Competitive Earmarked Research Grant 2004-2005.
- Rethinking Christian-Confucian Dialogue on Human Nature: The Orthodox and Scientific Perspectives (January 2008–January 2009), supported by Direct Grant for Research 2007-2008.
- British Representations of Chinese Buddhism 1860-1950 (January 2007–January 2008), project supported by Direct Grant for Research 2006-2007.
Recent Publications (from 2000 onwards):
- 《近代中國佛教與基督宗教的相遇》。賴品超、何建明、蘇遠泰、何慶昌及陳偉強合著,賴品超主編,香港:道風書社,2003。頁x + 323。
- “Religious Studies in Christian University in Contemporary Asia.” Christian Higher Education 2.1 (2003), pp.47-67.
- “Inheriting the Chinese and Christian Traditions in Global Context: A Confucian-Protestant Perspective.” Religion & Theology 10.1 (2003), pp.1-23.
- “A Mahayana Reading of Chalcedon Christology: A Chinese Response to John Keenan.” Buddhist-Christian Studies 24 (2004), 209-228.
- “Christian-Confucian Dialogue on Humanity: An Ecological Perspective.” Studies in Inter-religious Dialogue 14.2 (2004), 202-215.
- “Process Christology and Christian-Confucian Dialogue in China.” Process Studies 33.1 (2004), 149-165.
- 《佛教與基督教對話》,吳言生、賴品超、王曉朝合編,北京:中華書局,2005。頁442。
- “The Doctrines of the Trinity and Christology and Hua-yen Buddhism.” Ching Feng (New Series) 5.2 (2004), pp.203-225.
- 〈比較神學與漢語神學〉,《道風基督教文化評論》,第25期(2006春),頁147-164。
- “Barth’s Doctrines of Sin and Humanity in Buddhist Perspective.” Studies in Inter-religious Studies 16.1 (2006), pp.41-58.
- 《傳承與轉化:基督教神學與諸文化傳統》,香港:文藝出版社,2006。
- 《儒耶對話與生態關懷》,與林宏星合著,北京:宗教文化出版社,2006。
- “Sino-Theology, Bible and the Christian Tradition.” Studies in World Christianity 12.3 (2006), pp.266-281.
- “Religious Conviction and Tolerance: Fragmentary Reflections on the History of Christianity.” Studies in Interreligious Dialogue 17.2 (2007), pp.153-170.