Brief Introduction of
Professor Qin Dahe
Professor Qin is an
internationally renowned climatologist and expert on global change. He is
currently the Director of State Key Laboratory of Cryoshperic Sciences, Member of IPCC Bureau, Co-Chair of Working
Group I for the Fourth IPCC Assessment Report, Vice President of International Geographical Union, President of Chinese Meteorological Society, and Vice Chairman of
Commission on Population, Resource and Environment of the 11th
National Political Consultative . In June this year he received the 53rd
World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Prize and became the second Chinese
recipient of this highest award of WMO. Last December as a key member of IPCC
Bureau, he represented Chinese scientists to attend the award ceremony of Noble
Prize for Peace of 2007.
Over the past three decades Professor Qin has been
actively and productively engaged in cryospheric and global change studies. He
has participated and taken a leading role in numerous scientific exploration
and research projects in the South Pole, North Pole, Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau
and the western region of China. He has systematically studied the “decay”
process of ice cap in the South Pole and used a quantitative approach to
characterizing the regional patterns of the evolution of snow to glacier ice.
His research has investigated the relationship between the physical/chemical
processes in the surface snow layer of South Pole ice cap and the environmental
records of climate. The research findings in several areas, such as the
relationship between the distribution of stable isotopes in precipitation and
air temperature, sources and pathways of water vapor and multiple impurities,
are still the most comprehensive and in-depth results of research on South Pole
ice cap. Professor Qin has carried out pioneering work on the monitoring and
experiment of modern processes and biogeochemical cycling in snow and ice
cover, demonstrating the applicability and validity of climatic signals derived
from mountainous ice cores. His research on glacial evolution, modern
environmental changes and ice cores in the Mt. Qomolangma (Everest) area has
discovered the characteristics of modern climate change in the highest
elevations of the earth. Under the leadership of Professor Qin, studies on
“Climate of China and Environmental Change” and “Assessment of Environmental
Changes in China’s West” have produced numerous influential results and made
important contributions to global change research.
全球氣候變暖已成為人類的共識。政府間氣候變化專門委員會(IPCC)2007年發表的第四次評估報告(AR4)以更準確的資料證明,人類活動是1750年來地球氣候系統的變暖的因素之一,而最近五十年的升溫,無容置疑是人類活動的結果(置信度在90%以上)。根據不同排放情景,預估2100年全球地表平均升溫1.8 – 6.4℃,海平面上升0.18 – 0.59m,冰川、積雪、海冰和凍土都有大幅度退縮,但不包括南極冰蓋快速冰流的變化。極端天氣氣候事件發生的頻率很可能增加,如更熱的天氣、強降水、乾旱等,未來熱帶氣旋(包括颱風和颶風)可能更強,並伴有更強的風速和更大的降水量;高緯地區降水很可能增加,而多數副熱帶大陸地區降水量可能減少,等等。因此,應對氣候變化,適應和減緩氣候變化給全人類帶來的負面影響,採取共同行動,成為各國的政府和全人類的共識。
中國極端氣候事件的發生頻率和強度變化明顯,主要表現在夏季高溫熱浪增多、區域性乾旱加劇以及強降水增多。21世紀中國極端高溫事件可能更為頻繁,部分地區夏季炎熱日數可能增多,暖冬與熱夏的次數可能增加;降水增加主要表現為強降水事件增多;颱風和強對流天氣可能更強;冬季寒潮將可能繼續減少。極端事件的頻率和強度無疑加劇了自然災害造成的損失,對水資源、農業、工業 、交通運輸和社會公共事業等帶來不利,加上巨大的人口數量,應對不力,必將影響21世紀中國經濟社會發展。
Weather hazards in a
changing climate and their relevance to China’s sustainability
Average air temperature of the globe and China has increased by 0.74 oC and 1.1 oC over the past 100 years and the warming is most likely due to human
perturbation. Compared with 1980-1999, average air temperature of the globe,
China and Hong Kong will probably increase by 1.1-6.4 oC, 2.2-4.2 oC and 1.7-5.6 oC, respectively, by the end of the 21st
Extreme and
hazardous weather phenomena such as heat wave, heavy rain storm and flooding,
and wind storm have occurred frequently since the 1950s. Especially since the
1970s, droughts in the tropical and sub-tropical regions have become even more
frequent, lasting and severe, affecting many places of ever expanding areas.
With the intensification of typhoons and hurricanes, the percentage of strong
typhoons has increased from less than 20% in the early 1970s to over 31% in
recent years. Given the overall warming trend of global climate, the frequency
and intensity of hazardous weather have changed significantly as demonstrated
by numerous evidences. Heat wave events in summer have become more and more
recurring, especially since 1998 the number of hot days with air temperature of
over 35 oC has continuously and
significantly exceeded the norm. Regional droughts have intensified, especially
in northern China where droughts occurred in 8 years over the past two decades.
Heavy rain storms have become more frequent and the recent 20 years have been
another period of severe flood hazards since the 1950s. Although the typhoon
frequency has not changed significantly, its intensity has demonstrated a
substantial increase. As predicted by simulation models, hazardous weather will
probably become more frequent in China. It is likely that we will have more hot
days in summer and more warm days in winter. Precipitation will increase as
evidenced mainly by the increase of heavy rainfall events. Typhoons and
convective weather of high intensity will probably become stronger.
The remarkable changes of climate and
hazardous weather will bring tremendous challenges to China’s sustainability in
many areas such as reduced stability of agricultural production, shortage of
water resources, recession of glaciers, increased risk to engineering safety,
threat of sea level rise in coastal developed regions and the resulting damages
to the urban agglomerates in Guangdong.
Even if the percent of GDP loss will not change, the absolute amount of
economic loss caused by weather hazards will escalate as Chinese economy
continues to grow rapidly. Therefore, we must make every effort to improve our
capability of climate change prediction and to take adaptive measures for
minimizing the negative impacts of climate change in order to ensure the
sustainability of socio-economic development of China. An effective approach is
to control and reduce the emission of pollutants and greenhouse gases at their
sources. To face the challenges of climate change and hazardous weather,
research and innovation through international cooperation will play a very
important role in enhancing China’s sustainability through maintaining a good
balance among economic growth, societal development and environmental