Asian Journal of English Language Teaching 12, 229-267
© 2002 The Chinese University Press


An Annotated Bibliography of Selected Research on Chinese ELT COntexts and EFL.ESL Learners

Guangwei HU and Yongqu GU
Nanyang Technological University


This annotated bibliography represents our first effort in compiling a comprehensive resource bank of publications written in English about Chinese ELT contexts and CHinese EFL/ESL learners. We hope this bibilography will not only help researchers locate relevant resources, but also serve as a map, pointing possible directions for an ew research agenda.

We have used the following three-level criteria in the selection of publications. The first-level criteria are absolute musts. In other words, all the publications to be included in this bibilography must satisfy these criteria. In addition, they should also satisfy a majority of the second-and third-level criteria. Needless to say, priority ahs been given to publications that meet all the criteria.

  Level 3
Empirical research is preferred
  Level 2
Should be published after the 1970s
Should be generally accessible (ERIC documents, dissertations, conference presentations, manuscripts, or other less accessible sources were excluded)
Should be of reasonable length (articles too hsort not incluede)
Should be formal, preferably paper publications
  Level 1
Must be in English
Must be about English Language teaching, learning, or use
Must be about Chinese learners and/or Chinese contexts (excluding Hong Kong, Macao, and Singapore)