Past Events
Assessment Drives the Curriculum:
What can be gained from using other nontraditional strategies for assessment?
Facilitator: Prof. Carmel McNaught, CLEAR, CUHK.

  • Why weren't formal examinations suitable for all assessments? The differences between reliability and validity of assessment were central to understanding this issue.

  • When should assessment occur? Should it always be for marks? The differences between formative and summative assessment were important here.

  • Some interesting assessment possibilities were looked and discussed, such as:
      * Group projects: the pitfalls and possibilities
      * Students writing and classifying examination items for you: they did the work and learned at the same time!
      * Assessments which focus on professional skills (e.g. information literacy, laboratory skills) rather than just on content
      * Peer assessment
      * Reflective journals
      * 'Authentic' assessment

  • Date: 22 April 2002

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