Past Events
Efficient and Effective Assessment
Facilitator: This seminar on Efficient and Effective Assessment was jointly organized by CLEAR and LOAP (Learning Oriented Assessment Project). It featured speakers from the UK, HKIEd and CUHK.

Prof. Carmel McNaught,
Professor of Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Dr LIU Ngar-Fun
Project Fellow
LOAP (Learning Oriented Assessment Project)
Hong Kong Institute of Education

Prof. Carmel McNaught (CLEAR, CUHK)
Welcomed participants and emphasized the importance of assessment in developing graduate capabilities such as critical thinking, problem solving and communication skills.

Dr David Carless (Dept of English, HKIEd)
Introduced the aims, rationale and progress to date of the UGC-funded Learning-oriented assessment project (LOAP). He highlighted some of the potential and challenges in transforming assessment practices in higher education.

Professor Lewis Elton (University College London)
Discussed the question: Can formative assessment, which is likely to be effective by leading to better learning, also be efficient and hence be treated seriously by students?

Professor Jean Morrissey (School of Nursing, CUHK)
Examined the use of Critical Incident Analysis, which aimed to develop students' reflective ability and bridge the gap between theory and practice. She presented an overview of the strategy, how it could be used in the classroom and the rewards and challenges it presented from both students' and the lecturer's perspective in HK.

Professor Shekhar Kumta (Dept of Surgery, CUHK)
Talked about FACS (formative assessment case studies) -- a web-based approach to facilitate formative assessment and to enable students to improve their clinical decision making abilities. A consistent improvement in learning outcomes and skills has been observed in final year medical students who used FACS, and a software platform has been developed to extend FACS application to any field of education. This user friendly platform enables multimedia web-based materials to be incorporated into teaching modules.

Two CUHK students
Discussed their perspectives on oral presentation as a form of assessment.

Date: 7 October 2003,Tuesday
Time: 2:30-4:30pm
Venue: Room 502 Mong Man Wai Building, CUHK

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