Certificate Courses
For Staff
Professional Development Course (PDC)


Professional Development Course (2024/25-Round 1)

Medium of Instruction: English
Part I

Understanding the Teaching Context of CUHK

Date & Time: 21 August 2024 (Wednesday) 2:30 pm - 6:30 pm
Venue: Room UG06, Sino Building, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Facilitators: Prof CHUN Ka Wai Cecilia and Dr WONG Kin Chi, Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research
Part II

Techniques and Strategies

Date & Time: 23 August 2024 (Friday) 2:30 pm - 6:30 pm
Venue: Room UG06, Sino Building, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Facilitator: Prof LEE Wing Yan Vivian, Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research
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