Learning through teaching – An undergraduate learning assistant training scheme

Principal Supervisor

Professor Lin Hai Qing, Department of Physics


1 year

Approved Budget

HK 250,000

  • Project Objectives
  • Description of process, outcomes or deliverable
  • Evaluation
  • Dissemination, diffusion and impact

Project Objectives

The project is a one-year scheme (from October 2009 to September 2010) which aims to help establish a sustainable Learning Assistantship system for the University-wide implementation, and to enhance experiential learning of the undergraduates through teaching others.

Description of process, outcomes or deliverable

The project was divided into four stages. In stage 1, literature review was conducted to identify an effective operation and assessment approach for the scheme. Besides, a set of training materials and a series of workshops about personal growth were developed to equip our students in different aspects; in stage 2 and 3, students were given opportunities to put what they have learnt into real practice. They were sent to assist in teaching elementary Physics in the University and secondary schools. In the last stage, a concluding seminar was held to disseminate the actual project outcomes and results.

In addition, a website has been constructed to help deliver project information and good practice. The project also participated in the ‘Teaching and Learning Innovation Expo 2010’ organized by CLEAR and ITSC to disseminate its good practice and share the experience with the university community.


Professional advice from the Centre for Learning Enhancement and Research (CLEAR), a professional consultation unit of the University, was sought for the evaluation. CLEAR conducted focus groups and questionnaires to collect feedback from teachers and students. Good practices, potential problems and difficulties were identified by systematic analysis of the qualitative and quantitative types of feedback. The results facilitated the establishment of an undergraduate learning assistant system that is feasible for implementation in the Science or other faculties. The full evaluation report reflected the project has achieved the objectives.

Dissemination, diffusion and impact

The cumulative experience of success or failure in using the proposed system to develop the training materials and measurement instruments, together with the difficulties encountered, the best practice identified, and the actual project outcomes and results, were disseminated through the website, publication and workshops.