The project is designed to achieve four purposes, (1) to disseminate excellent teaching practice, (2) to promote a culture of teaching excellence within CUHK, (3) to enhance input for the Professional Development Course (PDC) for new teachers; and (4) to acknowledge the commitment and dedication of exemplary teachers. A series of 8 to 10 video-based teaching cases which document the teaching philosophy and practice of outstanding CUHK teachers receiving the University Education Award / the UGC Teaching Award will be developed and housed in a web platform. Each teaching case will consist of multi-modal materials including video-clips of teaching in a real instructional setting, interviews, student voice, teaching materials, statements of teaching philosophy, etc. These teaching cases will be disseminated to all teachers and also used as input materials for the PDC. New cases can be developed by the Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research (CLEAR) in future to sustain the impact of the project.
Brief write-up
Project objectives
The project is aimed at: (1) disseminating excellent teaching practices; (2) promoting a culture of teaching excellence within CUHK; (3) enhancing input for the Professional Development Course (PDC) for new teachers; and (4) acknowledging the commitment and dedication of exemplary teachers.
Activities, process and outcomes
Teaching philosophy statements and lesson footage of 11 recipients of the CUHK University Education Award were collected and reviewed. Commonalities in their teaching philosophy and classroom practices were identified. Based on these findings, teaching cases were developed to illustrate a range of educational beliefs and teaching strategies that are essential for achieving teaching excellence. The cases are housed in a purpose-built website open to all teaching staff of CUHK and will be adopted as input materials of the PDC.
Deliverables and evaluation
Major project deliverables include: (1) lists of core teaching philosophy and classroom practices identified in the exemplary teachers’ teaching statements and lesson footage; and (2) web-based teaching cases illustrating these themes. Feedback will be sought from PDC participants to evaluate the relevance and applicability of the cases.
Dissemination, diffusion, impact and sharing of good practices
The outstanding teaching practices are disseminated to all CUHK teachers through the project webpage and through the use of the teaching cases as input materials in the PDC provided by the Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research. Impact of the teaching cases will be evaluated by feedback from PDC participants, based on which the cases will be constantly reviewed for their effectiveness in addressing the teaching needs of CUHK teachers.
Video Report
Please click the following link for viewing the report.
This report is in Power Point format