Exploration and Development of Innovative Pedagogies (Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)) in Supporting the Production of Courseware
Principal Supervisors

Professor Chun Ka Wai Cecilia


1 year and 5 months

Approved Budget

HK $238,836

  • Abstract
  • Brief write-up
  • Video Report


The paradigm shift to using eLearning has become one of the major objectives in the CUHK Academic Development Proposal (ADP) 2016-19. The use of eLearning no longer merely refers to the uploading / downloading of e-courseware or the use of classroom-response system (i.e., clicker). Application of eLearning has already been advanced to the production of interactive courseware or animation, micro-modules, and utilization of flipped-classroom. Recent development in Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) provides an alternative visual and practical learning experience and environment to enhance learning effectiveness.

The Centre of eLearning Innovation and Technology (ELITE) has been established to provide support to teachers who adopt eLearning strategies and produce online courseware across the eight faculties. Capitalising on the infra-structure of ELITE, it is imperative that support to develop courseware for AR and VR environments be enhanced. The proposed project aims at achieving the following objectives:

  • provide more diverse technological and pedagogical support to teachers in the production of courseware for the AR/VR learning environments;
  • enhance the capacity of ELITE in terms of manpower and both hardware and software equipment of AR/VR technology;
  • provide professional development opportunities and disseminate the most up-to-date technical knowledge to teachers; and
  • better equip the AR/VR Corner in ELITE for technological development and sample demonstration.