Brief write-up
Project objectives
The project aimed to set up a comprehensive university-wide mechanism to assure and enhance the quality of Micro-modules (MM). The mechanism was designed to cover the pedagogical, instructional, and technical component of MM, and was used to provide evaluation to all MM funded by the Micro-modules Courseware Development Grant Scheme (MMCDGS).
Activities, process and outcomes
A project’s steering committee and three panels were formed to participate in the review service. Three rounds of MM review including summative evaluation and formative evaluation were conducted. Nearly 100 MM were reviewed. Detailed reports were provided to teachers to further enhance their productions.
Deliverables and evaluation
10 MM judged to be excellent were selected as “showcases” and were made available on the project webpage ( A quality assurance and enhancement guideline for MM development was published on the webpage too. 84 students from 3 courses participated in a survey on their learning experience with MM. Their feedbacks were summarized and compiled in reports to inform the course teachers to further improve the MM. Teacher survey was conducted to evaluate on the review service with the majority of the respondents considered the service “useful” or “very useful”.
Dissemination, diffusion, impact and sharing of good practices
A poster presentation was delivered in the Teaching and Learning Innovation Expo 2021 to introduce the MM review mechanism and the lessons learnt during the review process. Good practices collected from teacher interviews were shared in an online workshop.
Impact on teaching and learning
The project established a systematic review of MM production and provided good MM examples for the teachers to develop high-quality MM. The rubric developed would be used in other multimedia courseware production, including an inter-university collaboration on a small private online course on virtual teaching and learning.