Brief write-up
Project objectives
This project aims to improve the overall analytical skills for students, especially for social science students who are interested in urban planning and governance in the new era of smart cities and urban big data.
Activities, process and outcomes
In the project, the project team produced 11 micro-modules (including three e-modules and case studies related to smart cities and big urban data analytics), organised one seminar and one workshop related to smart cities, and developed a pedagogy. The curriculum design and Course and Teaching Evaluation (CTE) scores of GRMD2501 “Theory and Practice of Smart Cities”, a foundation course of the new Area of Concentration on Smart Sustainable Cities, have improved significantly.
Deliverables and evaluation
The 11 micro-modules have helped improve the curriculum design and course evaluation. The Principal Supervisor (PS) has reflected the pedagogy of how to teach smart cities and how to encourage students to understand the value of urban (big) data for urban governance. The project team organised two online events (one seminar and one workshop) with about 100 participants in total.
Dissemination, diffusion, impact and sharing of good practices
The project team has disseminated good practices in various venues, including the CUHK Teaching and Learning Innovation Expo, CUHK Department of Geography and Resource Management annual teaching sharing session, and CUHK Exploration Day. An e-module shared by the PS on social media has been re-shared by researchers from other universities.
Impact on teaching and learning
This project has impacted the teaching and learning as reflected in the CTE score. According to the course evaluation, the CTE scores suggested that the teaching has been improved and the student learning outcomes have been better achieved.