Brief write-up
Project objectives
The General Education Foundation (GEF) Programme in CUHK and the Common Intellectual Experience (CIE) Programme in Ursinus College in the United States, as common-core programmes, share a similar vision of core-text learning. In this pilot project, we have worked on collaborative teaching and learning between GEF and CIE Programmes by introducing texts from each other’s syllabus to achieve mutual development in pedagogy and Internationalization at Home (IaH).
Activities, process and outcomes
We selected a total of 4 core texts in both GEF and CIE syllabi for collaborative teaching and learning. We produced eLearning instruments (micro-modules) to introduce the texts to the counterpart students and created asynchronous online forums for the exchange of ideas. We also successfully organized interactive synchronous online discussion sessions via ZOOM to overcome the twelve-hour time difference. Understanding of the texts, cultural diversity, and teaching and learning experience were enriched.
Deliverables and evaluation
A total of 4 micro-modules with 9 lecture videos (10 min each), 2 KEEP (CU eLearning platform) Moodle course sites, 4 online forums (with 222 discussion posts), and 16 synchronous online discussion sessions are produced and organized. Evaluation conducted by questionnaire surveys revealed that 95.5% of students enjoyed this new learning experience.
Dissemination, diffusion, impact and sharing of good practices
The design of this project was shared in a seminar organized by the Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research (CLEAR). The whole project will be shared at the Teaching and Learning Innovation Expo in December 2022.
Impact on teaching and learning
This project has demonstrated a successful model for international collaborative teaching and learning. It supports the approaches of Internationalization at Home (IaH) and Internationalization of Curriculum (IoC).