Developing Global Perspectives in an Ageing World
Principal Supervisors

Dr. LO Wai Sze Sally
(The Nethersole School of Nursing)


1 year 3 months

Approved Budget

HK $97,288.00

  • Abstract
  • Brief write-up
  • Video Report


The proposed project is designed and developed to be in line with the University’s Integrated framework for Curriculum Development and Review and in consideration of the conceptual framework on internationalization of curriculum. In this proposed project, the primary learning outcome is to enable gerontology students to embrace a global perspective in their course of study.

Using an outcome-based approach, learning outcomes under five main themes were identified and used to guide the development of the proposed teaching and learning activities. The five main themes are: (i) The Healthcare System; (ii) The Long-term Care System; (iii) Social Security Policies; (iv) Housing for older people; and (v) Gerontechnology Development.

Each theme will be hosted by a teaching partner with non-local background and be discussed under the partner’s expertise in his/her own country (London, US, Taiwan, Sweden, China). Each theme will be presented as a self-contained MicroModule, of which will last for approximately 20 mins each and contains a set of questions for reflective exercise.

The outcomes of this proposed project will be evaluated using a validated tool – The Global Learning Inventory (GPI) and students’ learning experience will be evaluated via focus-group interviews. With the support from this grant, the process of project development and the outcomes of the evaluation can be disseminated and shared among colleagues who are interested in bringing internationalization to their teaching practices.