Studying medicine requires interactive stimulation, clinical skill acquisition, record of experience, regular exercises and revision. Hence, we propose a new multi-function web-mobile app that can be managed on a hand-held device, so that learning is enhanced and facilitated at any time and place. The app also facilitates exchanges of learning and teaching experience between medical schools in the world. In the era of COVID-19 and risk of other viral outbreak, such e-platform is crucial for the sustainability of high quality learning.
The platform consists of four major components:
A. E-book Learning
Different from usual e-books, our platform allows students to highlight and jot notes to facilitate personalized learning. Furthermore, content, hyperlinks, images and videos can be frequently updatable when compared to usual e-books.
B. Exercises and assessment
Interactive clinical quizzes of various formats and difficult levels are incorporated to the e-book for self-learning and revision. We also aim at building a huge database of quizzes with contribution from various medical schools globally. Statistical analysis on individual performance, comparison between classes and medical schools are feasible.
C. Logbook
Logging of medical students’ experience is an essential but tedious procedure for both students and teachers. We streamline logging by utilizing GPS and QR scanner function to record students’ attendance with location and time, as well as to enable tutors counter-signing electronically after their completion of task. Their learning progress (in term of logged experience) can also be analyzed and provide feedback to the students and their tutors.
D. Course management system
The platform is designated for teachers and administrators to obtain detailed insights on the learning progress and academic performance of their students by data analysis. It enhances early identification of and assistance to weak students.
Brief write-up
Project objectives
1. To facilitate teaching and learning (T&L) at any time and place;
2. To encourage exchanges of T&L experience among medical schools across the globe; and
3. To build a huge database of quizzes with contributions from medical schools globally.
Activities, process and outcomes
We have developed a web-mobile platform for the undergraduate programme in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. The platform consists of four major components listed as below:
1. e-book learning – The platform allows students to highlight and drop notes in order to facilitate personalised learning. We have embedded a series of lectures delivered by renowned overseas experts from medical schools worldwide.
2. Exercises and assessments – Interactive clinical quizzes of various formats and varied difficulty levels are incorporated into the e-book for self-learning and revision. We have built a database of quizzes. Statistical analysis on individual performance, comparison between classes and medical schools are feasible.
3. Logbook – We streamline logging by utilising GPS and the QR scanner function to record students’ attendance with location and time. This also enables tutors to counter sign electronically after their completion of a task.
4. Course management system – The platform is designated for teachers and administrators to obtain detailed insights on the learning progress and academic performance of their students by data analysis. It enhances the early identification of weaker students and possible assistance required.
Deliverables and evaluation
1. Deliverables and the key performance indicators
Expected deliverables
performance indicators (KPIs)
100 chapters on O&G to be written, with 50 teaching videos being produced
quiz questions
1000 questions to be designed
To be
transferred from paper-based to digital documentation
of users
medical students per year to benefit
from the project
2. Evaluation
The post-module course evaluation demonstrates that most students find that the web-mobile platform has enhanced their medical knowledge and learning experience throughout their learning journey.
Dissemination, diffusion, impact and sharing of good practices
We have organised workshops to share our practices and project outcomes with the Faculty of Medicine and other departments under the Faculty of Medicine.
Impact on teaching and learning
This project is in line with the goal of CUHK “to adopt innovative pedagogies for continuous teaching enhancement” and carries a long-lasting impact that goes beyond our Department as below:
Personalised learning: our mobile platform changes the traditional learning landscape by allowing learners to charter their own learning paths.
Big data for teaching: By analysing big data at the administrative platform, teachers can gain deeper insights into the progress of their students and their common weaknesses.
Reputation of CUHK and OG: The development of our platform can strengthen the Department and the University’s leading status in Asia through maximising their international exposure and enhance brand penetration of CUHK worldwide.