化學部 趙宇亮院士
趙宇亮,國家納米科學中心主任、研究員,中國科學院院士,發展中國家科學院院士,中國醫學科學院學部委員。現擔任中國生物材料學會候任理事長,中國化學會副理事長,中國藥學會副理事長,Nano Today主編等。
Prof. Yuliang Zhao, the Director-General, National Center for Nanosciences and Technology, China.
Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Academician, The world Academy of Sciences (TWAS)
Academician, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences
Elected President, Chinese Association for Biomaterials
Vice President, Chinese Chemical Society
Vice President, Chinese Pharmaceutical Association
Editor-in-Chief, Nano Today, Elsevier, Netherlands
Research Interest: Prof. Yuliang Zhao is a pioneer in the study of nano safety, having proposed the toxicology study of engineered nanomaterials and establishment of the first research laboratory in 2001. His work focuses on understanding the biological effects of nanomaterials, with a particular emphasis on establishing reliable and valid analytical methods for discovering their effects in vivo. Dr. Zhao also aims to understand the chemical mechanisms of nanosafety and ensure the safe application of nanomaterials. As a result of his research, a list of ISO standard analytical methods has been adapted by ISO/IEC 168 member countries. He has also established a nanosafety assessment framework for occupational exposure to nanomaterials, and has made significant contributions to the development of a new-concept nanomedicine for cancer therapeutics.
Prize/Awards: TWAS Prize in Chemistry, CAS Outstanding Science and Technology Achievement Prize, National Prize for Natural Sciences (twice), The Ho Leung Ho Lee Foundation Science and Technology Progress Prize, China Award for Outstanding Contribution on Toxicology, Beijing Award for Leading Talent in Science & Technology, etc.
生命科學和醫學學部 陳國強院士
醫學博士,上海交通大學醫學院教授,中國科學院院士,癌基因與相關基因國家重點實驗室主任。作為醫學教育家,他擔任上海交通大學醫學院院長十餘年,銳意改革創新和科學發展,帶領學校實現跨越發展。作為醫學科學家,他先後多次承擔國家重大科學研究計畫、國家自然科學基金重點、重大專案和創新群體項目等項目,致力於腫瘤細胞命運決定和腫瘤微環境調控機制研究,取得系列創新性成果,在Cancer Cell, Nat Cell Biol, Nat Chem Biol, Nat Commun等發表論文220餘篇,多次獲國家自然科學二等獎、中華醫學科技一等獎、上海市自然科學一等獎、上海市科技進步一等獎,並獲何梁何利科學和技術進步獎等。
Professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and director of National Key Laboratory of Oncogenes and Related Genes. e was the chief scientist undertaking the National Key Basic Research Program of China (973 Program) and the National Key Research Program of China. He also worked as the responsible person for Key and Major Research Plans as well as innovative group project sponsored by the National Natural Science Foundation of China. He has been dedicated to the study of tumor cells fate decision, and the regulatory mechanism in the tumor microenvironment. Chen has made tremendous research achievements and published over 220 papers in core international journals such as Cancer Cell, Nat Cell Biol, Nat Chem Biol, Nat Commun with over 15,000 other-citations. He won many awards and honorary titles such as second prize of National Natural Science Award, first prize of Chinese Medical Science and Technology Award, Ho Leung Ho Lee Scientific and Technological Progress Award.
化學部 嚴純華院士
嚴純華,1961年1月出生於上中國上海。他先後在北京大學化學系獲得理學學士、碩士和博士學位,他1992年在北京大學晉升為教授,1999年被聘為長江特聘教授。他2011年當選為中國科學院院士,2012年當選為發展中國家科學院院士。他是北京大學稀土材料化學及應用國家重點實驗室主任,《中國稀土學報》和J. Rare Earths (Elsevier)的主編。他曾擔任南開大學副校長(2016-2017),現在擔任蘭州大學校長。他是全國人大第十二屆和十四屆代表、第十三屆全國政協委員。他的主要研究為稀土功能材料和稀土分離化學及工業應用。
Chun-Hua Yan was born in Shanghai, China. He received his BS, MS and PhD degrees from Peking University (PKU), China. He became full Professor in 1992 and Cheung Kong Professor of Chemistry in 1999 at PKU. He is an elected Member of Chinese Academy of Sciences (2011) and a Fellow of the Academy of Sciences for the Developing World (TWAS, 2012). He is now the Director of the State Key Laboratory of Rare Earth Materials Chemistry and Applications; he also serves as an Editor-in-Chief for J. Rare Earths (Elsevier). He served as Vice President of Nankai University from 2016 to 2017, then he serves as President of Lanzhou University. He elected as the deputy to the 12th and 14th NPC and Member of the 13th CPPCC National Committee. His main research fields are rare earth functional materials and rare earth separation chemistry and engineering.
生命科學和醫學學部 朱玉賢院士
Prof./Dr. Yuxian Zhu, Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Fellow of The World Academy of Sciences for developing countries. Professor of Biology at Wuhan/Peking University, Dean of the Institute for Advanced Studies at Wuhan University. He received his Ph. D diploma from Cornell University of United States in December 1989. He obtained the “Excellent Young Scientists Award” from the National Natural Sciences Foundation of China in 1997, and owned a “Yangzhi River Professorship” from the Chinese Ministry of Education in 2001. Currently he serves as the the Vice President of the Chinese Society for Plant Physiologists and Molecular Biologists, the Standing Deputy Editors-in-Chief for the Journal “Chinese Sciences-Life Sciences”. He is the Chairman of the “Steering Committee for College Biology Courses” of Chinese Ministry of Education, and is the Deputy Chief of the National Advisory Committee on Transgenic Crop Breeding Programs from Chinese Ministry of Agriculture. He served for about 15 years as the Director of the State Key Laboratory of Protein Engineering and Plant Genetic Engineering from 2002 to 2017. To date, he has published more than 140 peer-reviewed research articles with a number of high-impact papers. He is the major author for a nation-wide text book entitled “Modern Molecular Biology” (the fifth edition). He received a National Second Class Award for Natural Science Research in 2011, and the HLHL Science and Technology Progress Award in 2012. |
地學部 龔健雅院士
龔健雅,中國科學院院士,武漢大學教授,博士生導師。龔健雅是國家傑出青年基金獲得者,教育部“長江學者”特聘教授,973項目首席科學家,國家自然科學基金創新群體學術帶頭人,國家測繪局科技領軍人才,國務院第六屆、第七屆學科評議組測繪學科組召集人,曾任武漢大學測繪遙感資訊工程國家重點實驗室主任和遙感資訊工程學院院長、國際攝影測量與遙感學會第六委員會主席、中國海外地理資訊科學協會會長,現任武漢大學宇航研究院院長、亞洲地理資訊系統協會秘書長、《測繪學報》副主編、《Journal of Geodesy and GeoInformation Science》主編。龔健雅主要從事遙感和地理資訊系統方面的研究,先後承擔了國家和省部級科研專案40多項,取得了多項重要成果,出版專著和教材13部,發表論文500多篇。獲國家科技創新團隊獎1次、國家科技進步獎一等獎1次、二等獎4次,省部級特等獎3次、一等獎7次,國際攝影測量與遙感學會Dolezal成就獎1項。
Dr. Jianya Gong is a professor of Wuhan University and an academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences. He is the winner of the National Outstanding Youth Fund, the distinguished Professor of "Changjiang Scholars" of the Ministry of Education, the chief scientist of the 973 Project, the academic leader of the Innovation Group of the National Natural Science Foundation, the leading scientific and technological talents of the State Bureau of Surveying and Mapping, and the convenor of the Surveying and Mapping Discipline Group of the sixth and Seventh Subject Review Groups of The State Council. He was the director of the State Key Laboratory of Information Engineering in Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing and the Dean of the school of Remote Sensing Information Engineering of Wuhan University, president of the Commission VI of the International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, and president of International Association of Chinese Professional in Geographic Information Science. He is currently the Dean of the Academy of Astronautics, Wuhan University, Secretary-General of the Asian Association for Geographic Information Systems, associate editor of Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica and Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Geodesy and GeoInformation Science.
Dr. Jianya Gong is mainly engaged in the research of remote sensing and geographic information system. He has undertaken more than 40 national and provincial scientific research projects. He has published 13 monographs and textbooks, and more than 500 papers. He has won the National Science and Technology Innovation Team Award once, the first prize once and the second prize for 4 times of the National Science and Technology Progress Award, the provincial and ministerial level special prize for 3 times and the first prize for 7 times, and the Dolezal Achievement Award of the International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing.