October 15-17 2001, Hong Kong

 Venue: Show College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Speaker Programme


October 15 2001 October 16 2001 October 17 2001
Ferid Murad Paul M. Quinton Stanley Glasser
Denys N. Wheatley John W. Hanrahan Yasunobu Okada
John D. Scott Deborah J. Nelson Fu-Chu He
Toshiaki Katada Shmuel Muallem Yu-Mei Wen
Dale W. Laird Brian Harvey Da-Long Ma
Li-Dong Wang Yan-Ping Liu Geng-Tao Liu
Chun-Hua Zhao Qishui Lin Donald C. Chang
Zhao-Jun Liu Min-Goo Lee
Hsin-Ming Shih Xue-Bo Liu
Ronald R. Fiscus Zhe Zhang
Hai Wang
 Over view of the symposium

English          Chinese

Symposium Paves Way from Research to Drug Discovery

Word-renowned scientists and experts in the highly competitive field of cell signaling, including a Nobel Laureate, Dr. Ferid Murad, gathered in Hong Kong from 15th to 17th October for the International Symposium of Cell Signalling: From Diseases to Drug Discovery, organized by the Epithelial Cell Biology Research Centre. The center was jointly established by The Chinese University and the Academy of Military Medical Sciences in Beijing.

Officiating at the opening ceremony of the symposium, which took place in the Shaw College Lecture Theatre, were Prof. Liu Pak-wai, acting vice-chancellor, Mr. Francis Ho, Commissioner for Innovation and Technology of the HKSAR, and representatives from the Academy of Military Medical Sciences and Beijing Science and Technology Commission. Guests of honour included Prof. Ye Xin Sheng, director of the Life Science Division of the National Natural Science Foundation of China; Prof. Denys Wheatley, editor-in-chief, Cell Biology International; and Profs. Xing Ying and Xie Jun Xia, vice-presidents of Zhengzhou University and Qingdao University respectively.

As part of the Beijing-Hong Kong Forum on Life Sciences series, the symposium aimed at promoting exchanges between Hong Kong and the mainland and enhancing the competitiveness of biotechnology/TCM-related industries. It was supported by the Innovation and Technology Commission of the HKSAR, the Beijing Science and Technology Commission, the International Federation of Cell Biology, and local industries.

Over 150 research papers dealing with various aspects of cell signaling were presented with over 200 participants from different disciplines in the life sciences.


由本校和中國軍事醫學科學院聯合創辦的上皮細胞生物學研究中心, 於十月十五至十七日主辦 "細胞信號傳導國際研討會:從疾病到新藥開發", 匯聚二百多名世界各地及各學科代表, 包括數十名著名科學家和一名諾貝爾獎得主, 交流對疾病過程和藥物作用的信號傳導通路的科研成果.

細胞信號傳導涉及生命過程的各方面. 信號傳導紊亂會導致人體功能障礙, 疾病,甚至死亡. 因此, 對細胞信號傳導機制及通路的了解, 已成為開發新藥物和防治疾病的關鍵. 在大會上發表的論文逾一百五十篇.

會議開幕典禮在逸夫書院大講堂舉行, 出席嘉賓有香港創作科技署署長何宣威先生, 中大署理校長廖柏偉教授, 中國軍事醫學科學院及北京科學技術委員會的代表. 國家自然科學基金委員會生命科學部主任葉鑫生教授, 鄭州大學和青島大學副校長邢螢和謝俊霞教授也參加了會議.

會議為第二屆北京-香港生命科學前沿論壇, 由創新科技署, 北京科學技術委員會, 國際細胞生物學會和香港業界贊助, 致力促進香港與內地的交流, 以及增強本區生物技術和中藥相關產業在全球的競爭力.

Opening Ceremony

Participants of the Symposium 2001

Hong Kong Tour