CUHK Research: Changing the world

Stephen Dalton School of Biomedical Sciences Most patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D) take some form of medication, but these have reduced efficacy over time. Moreover, insulin resistance and hyperglycemia that develops in T2D is associated with a broad range of clinical complications that are not addressed with current treatments. To tackle this major health problem, Professor Dalton and his team are using pluripotent stem cells to develop a new generation of therapies including the development of new drugs and novel cell therapy approaches. Our goal is to develop a new generation of treatments for type 2 diabetes. “ Professor Ho has made seminal contributions in several areas of computing and emerging technologies, especially in the design automation of microfluidic biochips. His work on the testing of microfluidic biochips earned the prestigious IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design Donald O. Pederson Best Paper Award in 2015. A leader of the Electronic Design Automation community, Professor Ho has been invited to speak at over 100 companies, professional societies, conferences and universities worldwide. Now a Distinguished Member of the Association for Computer Machinery, he also plays vital roles in various international professional organisations. I hope to gather a vibrant community of electronic design automation (EDA), making CUHK an iconic centre for next-generation EDA technologies and applications. Ho Tsung-yi Department of Computer Science and Engineering “ 86