CUHK Research: Changing the world

The research interest of Professor Jin and his research group broadly lies in applied and computational mathematics, especially inverse problems and numerical analysis. They focus on developing highly effective computational techniques for direct and inverse problems in science and engineering applications, and establishing rigorous mathematical guarantees. Since he joined CUHK, one exciting line of his research has been about developing novel machine learning techniques for solving challenging problems in the area, e.g. using deep neural networks to estimate parameters in complex mathematical models (e.g. high- dimensional partial differential equations), and their rigorous mathematical analysis. The gist of my research is to combine traditional physical models with powerful data- driven techniques to solve challenging computational problems in science and engineering. “ Jin Bangti Department of Mathematics Professor Long, who graduated from the University of Cambridge, is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry. Her career started with successful Lab-to-Fab technology transfer to industries including Seagate Technology. Her recent work won the Falling Walls Science Breakthroughs of the Year 2022, TOP3 in the “Energy” category of the 2022 Green Awards, and the 2016 TechConnect Innovation Award. Her research in CUHK focuses on the diverse applications of smart materials, including energy saving, soft electronics and functional devices. I am developing smart materials and devices for transformation towards a sustainable and healthy world. “ Long Yi Department of Electronic Engineering 87