Code of Practice for Council Members

30 Code of Practice for Council Members 22 Their attendance records and service records of the Council will be recorded and published in the Annual Report and on the University’s website which is accessible by the general public. 4.8.5. Induction and Development Once the appointments or elections of the new Council members are confirmed, they will receive a letter from the Secretary of the Council together with the meeting arrangement for the year and a copy of the University Calendar which contains, among other information, the University Ordinance and Statutes (the organization and procedures of the Council are provided under Statute 11). Courtesy visit and a full-day induction programme will be arranged for the new Council members to explain the background of the University, the University’s strategic objectives, the responsibilities of being a Council member, the functions of the Council and the landscape of higher education in Hong Kong. The UGC will also arrange induction programmes for Council members once or twice a year. Council members will on a regular basis receive copies of the University’s publications, such as Newsletters, Annual Report, Chinese University Bulletin, Facts and Figures, etc., and a Council Away Day will be organized annually for them. These would help them stay up-to-date with the University’s developments. 4.8.6. Personal Liability and Indemnity Council members should satisfy themselves that they understand their own position in the Council, and should:  act honestly, diligently and in good faith;  be satisfied that a course of action proposed is in accordance with the University Ordinance and Statutes;  not bind the University to a course of action which it cannot carry out;  ensure that the University does not continue to operate if it is insolvent;  seek to persuade colleagues by open debate, and register dissent if they are concerned that the action would be contrary to any of the above; and  avoid putting themselves in a situation where there is actual or potential conflict between their interests and those of the University. If this advice is followed it is unlikely that personal liability could arise, particularly since the powers and responsibilities of the