Walking for Health 樂步行   |
NEW!!! Walking Campaign and Car-free Day 2012 --- 2 March 2012
To encourage walking on campus, the University's Campus Development Office and Estates Management Office designed pedestrian trails which is both scenic and convenient. The trail serves a green option to school buses from commuters where school buses are the primary means of transport on campus.
The Committee on Health Promotion and Protection organized the first Walking Campaign on 16th March 2007. It aimed at introducing new trail to staff and students so as to persist "walking culture" within the University. This programme was highly supported by the top management in the University. The Launching Ceremony were officiated by Pro-Vice Chancellor Prof. Jack Cheng, the Dean of Medical Faculty Prof. T. F. Fok and the esteemed Emeritus Professor of the Community Medicine Prof. S. H. Lee. More than 400 participants including staff and students joined this event which was very encouraging. Various souvenirs were given to all participants including a pedometer, a green T-shirt, bottled water as well as a turning wheel with information between walking and calories. Finally, healthy refreshments were provided at the end point in the New Asia Concourse for all participants.
All feedback from participants were positive and they all realized the importance of keeping themselves physically active. Walking is not only healthy, but also reduces the burden on buses, keeps the air fresh and enables campus members to enjoy the marvelous natural scenery.
Highlights of the Walking Campaign 16 March 2007
As a continuation of Walking Campaign Phase 1, the Phase 2 Walking Campaign has been held on 2 November 2007, 9:00a.m. from the University KCR Station to Shaw College, via Alumni Path, Chinese Medicine Garden and Alumni Garden, also with scenic views. There were about 600 staff and students participating in this Campaign, with more positive feedbacks. Souvenirs such as T-shirt, measuring tape (can measure central obesity) and bottle water will be given for registered participants.
Of the four Colleges, Shaw College is furthest away from the train station. The participants fully agreed that they enjoyed this seemingly long train station-Shaw route covered on foot, and the journey was quicker than expected.
Highlights of the Walking Campaign (Phase 2) 2 November 2007
Walking Campaign (Phase 3) is Launched!
The Walking Campaign (Phase 3) was successfully organized on 9 Jan 2009. The feedback was overwhelming with more that 700 staff and students to participate. The sun shined brightly in the morning under a low temperature, which was suitable for walking.
The Walking Campaign (Phase 3) was jointly organized with the University Steering Committee on Environment (USCE) and CU Tree Project. It can let the people to know the common trees in the campus and to arouse the caring of the environment. The Chairman of the USCE, Professor L.M. Chu and the project leader of “CU Tree Project", Dr. S.Y. Hu came to the Starting Ceremony to support the Campaign.
The route of Phase 3 is from MTR University Station to United College, passing through the Alumni Path, Chinese Medicine Garden and the new Western Teaching Complex. The duration of the walk is around 28 minutes. Here is another choice to walk to United College besides UC Staircase.
Past Activity Highlights of CU Tree Project
Walking Campaign (Phase 4)
The Walking Campaign (Phase 4) was successfully organized on 22 January 2010. The feedback was overwhelming with more that 800 staff and students to participate. Though it was a cloudy weather, the temperature that day provided a suitable environment for walking.
The route of Phase 4 is from MTR University Station to New Asia College, passing through the Alumni Path and New Asia Road, which is slightly different from the route of Phase 1. The duration of the walk is around 26 minutes. Alternative route walking to New Asia College is provided for choice according to different needs.
最新消息!!! 樂步行暨無車日2012 --- 2012年3月2日
樂步行第一期 開步禮
是日參加者獲派發不同類型的紀念品,包括:綠色 T – shirt,計步器,水。另外,行畢全程後,在新亞圓形廣場預備了水果及三文治給眾參加者享用,及有特別設計的卡路里消耗表。
樂步行第二期 開步禮
樂步行(第三期) 開步禮
第三次樂步行活動[Walking Campaign (Phase 3)]於新學期2009年1月9日舉行,反應非常踴躍,共有超過700名員生參加。活動當天雖然溫度稍低,但天公造美,陽光普照,非常適合漫步校園。
這次的樂步行加入了環保元素,聯合「大學環境事務督導委員會」(USCE) 及「中大樹木計劃」(CU Tree Project),讓員生認識中大校園的樹木,也藉此帶出身體力行響應環保,而委員會主席朱利民教授及(Professor L.M. Chu)「中大樹木計劃」的發起人-中醫學院榮譽教授胡秀英博士(Dr. S.Y. Hu)更親臨開步典禮,支持樂步行。
樂步行(第四期) 開步禮
第四次樂步行活動[Walking Campaign (Phase 4)]於2010年1月22日舉行,反應非常踴躍,共有超過1,000名員生參加。活動當天雖然天陰,但溫度怡人,非常適合漫步校園。