The Institute of Chinese Studies (ICS) of the Chinese University of Hong Kong has received numerous grants from the Research Grants Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to build up an electronic database of all traditional and excavated CHinese ANcient Texts (CHANT) since 1988. The establishment of CHANT Database benefits scholars a lot because they can save plenty of time on data retrieval and preparation, thus enhancing their research efficiency and helping them to focus on advanced analytical work. The Database is especially helpful in the studies of parallel passages and citation comparison of ancient Chinese texts. Moreover, there is similarity between traditional and excavated Chinese ancient texts, which could be meaningful topics if studied in depth.
In order to highlight the significance of CHANT and our focus on further studies, we have been compiling a CHANT Series on Ancient Chinese Texts by using CHANT Database. The content of CHANT Series will focus on the comparison and studies of differences found in both traditional and excavated ancient texts. The CHANT Series consists of four categories: (A) Citations from the Thirteen Classics Found in Pre-Han and Han Texts, (B) Parallel Passages Found in Pre-Han and Han Texts, (C) Citations of Ancient Chinese Texts Found in the Leishu Compiled in the Tang and Song Dynasties, (D) Ancient Chinese texts Study Monographs, (E) Glossaries of Pre-Han and Han Texts, and (F) Collected Annotations on Wang Niansun’s Collated Edition of Ancient Chinese Texts。

一九九八年,香港中文大學中國語言及文學系陳雄根教授和何志華教授獲「研究資助局研究用途補助金」(Research Grants Council Earmarked Grant),進行「先秦兩漢引錄經籍計劃」。計劃的主要目的,是利用中國文化研究所的「漢達古文獻資料庫」,蒐集先秦兩漢古籍徵引十三經的內容,進行分析、整理。先秦兩漢古籍所引經文,分明引及暗引兩種(所謂明引,是指直接引錄經文;所謂暗引,則指古籍所引經文,或隱括其義,或節錄原文,或以訓詁文字改寫經文,不一而足)。明引部分可直接利用「漢達古文獻資料庫」的電腦檢索系統準確無誤地輯錄出來;暗引部分,不能直接利用資料庫的電腦檢索的,便需用人手翻檢古籍,找出其內容與經文暗合之處,摘錄出來。這部分的檢索功夫,所花的時間最多。
Citations from the Shangshu to Be Found in Pre-Han and Han Texts
Edited by Chan Hung Kan and Ho Che Wah- Size: 260 x 184 mm
- Page: 320
- Binding: Hardback
Citations from the Shijing to Be Found in Pre-Han and Han Texts
Edited by Ho Che Wah and Chan Hung Kan- Size: 260 x 184 mm
- Page: 310
- Binding: Hardback
Citations from the Zhouyi, Lunyu, and Mengzi to Be Found in Pre-Han and Han Texts
Edited by Chan Hung Kan and Ho Che Wah- Size: 260 x 184 mm
- Page: 437
- Binding: Hardback
Citations from the Zhouli to Be Found in Pre-Han and Han Texts
Edited by Ho Che Wah and Chan Hung Kan- Size: 260 x 184 mm
- Page: 214
- Binding: Hardback
Citations from the Liji to Be Found in Pre-Han and Han Texts
Edited by Chan Hung Kan and Ho Che Wah- Size: 260 x 184 mm
- Page: 456
- Binding: Hardback
Citations from the Yili to Be Found in Pre-Han and Han Texts
Edited by Chan Hung Kan and Ho Che Wah- Size: 260 x 184 mm
- Page: 164
- Binding: Hardback

The Gu Lienü Zhuan with Parallel Passages from Other Pre-Han and Han Texts
The Da Dai Liji with Parallel Passages from Other Pre-Han and Han Texts
Edited by Ho Che Wah, Chu Kwok Fan and Fan Sin Piu- Size: 260 x 184 mm
- Page: 346
- Binding: Hardback
The Xunzi with Parallel Passages from Other Pre-Han and Han Texts
Edited by Ho Che Wah, Chu Kwok Fan and Fan Sin Piu- Size: 260 x 184 mm
- Page: 300
- Binding: Hardback
The Xinshu with Parallel Passages from Other Pre-Han and Han Texts
Edited by Ho Che Wah, Chu Kwok Fan and Fan Sin Piu- Size: 260 x 184 mm
- Page: 237
- Binding: Hardback
The Wenzi with Parallel Passages from Other Pre-Han and Han Texts
Edited by Ho Che Wah, Chu Kwok Fan and Fan Sin Piu- Size: 260 x 184 mm
- Page: 322
- Binding: Hardback
(即將出版) -

Citations of the Huainanzi Found in the Leishu Compiled in the Tong and Song Dynasties
Edited by Ho Che Wah and Chu Kwok Fan- Size: 260 x 184 mm
- Page: 294
- Binding: Hardback
Citations of the Zhuangzi Found in the Leishu Compiled in the Tong and Song Dynasties
Edited by Ho Che Wah and Chu Kwok Fan- Size: 260 x 184 mm
- Page: 216
- Binding: Hardback
Citations of the Lushi Chunqiu Found in the Leishu Compiled in the Tong and Song Dynasties
Edited by Ho Che Wah and Chu Kwok Fan- Size: 260 x 184 mm
- Page: 217
- Binding: Hardback
Citations of the Kongzi Jiayu and Hanshi Waizhuan Found in the Leishu Compiled in the Tong and Song Dynasties
Edited by Ho Che Wah and Chu Kwok Fan- Size: 260 x 184 mm
- Page: 259
- Binding: Hardback
Citations of the Guoyu Found in the Leishu Compiled in the Tong and Song Dynasties
Edited by Ho Che Wah and Chu Kwok Fan- Size: 260 x 184 mm
- Page: 133
- Binding: Hardback
Citations of the Shiji Found in the Leishu Compiled in the Tong and Song Dynasties
Edited by Ho Che Wah, Chu Kwok Fan, and Poon Ming Kei- Size: 260 x 184 mm
- Page: 1081
- Binding: Hardback
Citations of the Xunzi Found in the Leishu Compiled in the Tang and Song Dynasties, Citations of the Han Feizi Found in the Leishu Compiled in the Tang and Song Dynasties (Bound volume)
Edited by Ho Che Wah, Chu Kwok Fan, Cheung Kam Siu and Lee Lok Man- Size: 260 x 184 mm
- Page: 247
- Binding: Hardback
Citations of the Liji Found in the Leishu Compiled in the Tang and Song Dynasties (in Chinese)
Edited by Ho Che Wah and Chu Kwok Fan- Size: 260 x 184 mm
- Page: 772
- Binding: Hardback
Citations of the Yanzi chunqiu, Wuyue chunqiu and Yuejueshu Found in the Leishu Compiled in the Tang and Song Dynasties (Bound volume, in Chinese)
Edited by Ho Che Wah and Chu Kwok Fan- Size: 260 x 184 mm
- Page: 200
- Binding: Hardback

The New Evidence Which Points to the Date of the Wenzi (in Chinese)
By Ho Che Wah- Size: 228.6 x 152.4 mm
- Page: 224
- Binding: 平裝 Paperback
Book Review of The New Evidence Which Points to the Date of the Wenzi -
A Textual Study of Classical Canons: From the Shijing, Shangshu to Shiji (in Chinese)
By Ho Che Wah- Size: 210 x 140 mm
- Page: 228
- Binding: 平裝 Paperback
Collected Essays on Gao You's Commentaries on the Lushi Chunqiu and the Huainanzi (in Chinese)
By Ho Che Wah- Size: 210 x 140 mm
- Page: 253
- Binding: 平裝 Paperback
Drafts of Essays on Jia Yi's Xin Shu (in Chinese)
By Poon Ming Kay- Size: 210 x 140 mm
- Page: 224
- Binding: 平裝 Paperback
A New Exploration of Xun yue's Han-ji (in Chinese)
By Leung Tak Wah- Size: 210 x 140 mm
- Page: 309
- Binding: 平裝 Paperback
Text and Textual Criticism of the Huainan zi with Rhymes Marked (in Chinese)
By D.C. Lau- Size: 260 x 184 mm
- Page: 912
- Binding: Hardback
Collected Essays on the Meaning of the Classics
By Ho Che Wah- Size: 210 x 140 mm
- Page: 209
- Binding: 平裝 Paperback
Studies in Zhuangzi and Xunzi
By Ho Che Wah- Size: 210 x 140 mm
- Page: 228
- Binding: 平裝 Paperback
Collected Exegeses on the Variants in Classical Commentaries
By Ho Che Wah, Lam Lai Ling- Size: 210 x 140 mm
- Page: 364
- Binding: 平裝 Paperback
Collected Papers on Yan Shigu’s Commentary on the Classics and the Histories
By Poon Ming Kay- Size: 210 x 140 mm
- Page: 279
- Binding: 平裝 Paperback
A Study of Miscellaneous School in the Qin, Han, Wei, Jin Period: From Huainanzi to Liuzi (in Chinese)
By Leung Tak Wah- Size: 210 x 140 mm
- Page: 218
- Binding: 平裝 Paperback
Collected Papers on Commentaries of Ancient Chinese Texts: Glossaries, Exegeses, and Transmission
By Lam Lai Ling- Size: 210 x 140 mm
- Page: 275
- Binding: 平裝 Paperback
Studies of Early Chinese Philosophy: From Laozi and Zhuangzi to Huainanzi and Wenzi (in Chinese)
By Cheng Lai Kuen- Size: 210 x 140 mm
- Page: 352
- Binding: Paperback

本中心自2005年起開拓新研究範圍,並於2006年獲「研究資助局優配研究金」(Research Grants Council General Research Fund),先後開展「先秦兩漢詞彙綜合研究──古代漢語多功能網絡辭典之構建」研究計劃第一及第二期。此計劃旨在全面整理及研究先秦兩漢詞彙,為先秦兩漢詞彙發展的研究提供數據資料,並編纂及出版各種「先秦兩漢文獻詞彙資料彙編」及專門辭典,以及建立先秦兩漢傳世文獻及出土文獻多功能網絡詞典。計劃第一期以出土文獻為主,以先秦兩漢傳世文獻為副。出土文獻部分由本中心與浙江大學合作判斷詞彙釋義,成果將發表於中國古代詞彙資料庫。
A Glossary of the Lunheng
Edited by Ho Che Wah and Chu Kwok Fan- Size: 260 x 184 mm
- Page: 648
- Binding: Hardback
A Glossary of the Xunzi
Edited by Ho Che Wah and Chu Kwok Fan- Size: 260 x 184 mm
- Page: 362
- Binding: Hardback
A Glossary of the Kongcongzi, Xinyu, and Xinshu
Edited by Ho Che Wah and Chu Kwok Fan- Size: 260 x 184 mm
- Page: 487
- Binding: Hardback
A Glossary of the A Glossary of the Lüshi Chunqiu
Edited by Ho Che Wah, Chu Kwok Fan, and Cheng Lai Kuen- Size: 260 x 184 mm
- Page: 383
- Binding: Hardback
A Glossary of the Han Feizi
Edited by Ho Che Wah, Chu Kwok Fan, and Cheng Lai Kuen- Size: 260 x 184 mm
- Page: 423
- Binding: Hardback
A Glossary of the Four Books of Rites
Edited by Ho Che Wah, Chu Kwok Fan, and Cheng Lai Kuen- Size: 260 x 184 mm
- Page: 1396
- Binding: Hardback
A Glossary of the Zhanguoce
Edited by Ho Che Wah, Chu Kwok Fan, and Cheng Lai Kuen- Size: 260 x 184 mm
- Page: 441
- Binding: Hardback
A Glossary of the Xinxu and Shuoyuan
Edited by Ho Che Wah, Chu Kwok Fan, and Cheng Lai Kuen- Size: 260 x 184 mm
- Page: 404
- Binding: Hardback

Collected Annotations on Wang Niansun’s Collated Edition of the Hanfeizi
By Cheung Kam Siu- Size: 260 x 184 mm
- Page: 320
- Binding: Hardback

The Intratextuality and Intertextuality of the Xunzi (in Chinese)
Edited by Ho Che Wah- Size: 260 x 184 mm
- Page: 688
- Binding: Hardback