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神舟六號載人航天飛行代表團由胡世祥團長率領,於二零零五年十一月廿八日訪問 香港中文大學校園,在邵逸夫堂出席「神舟六號航天講座──與航天員及科學家見面」活動,與現場過 千名包括本港八大專院校的教職員和學生進行學術交流。期間航天員費俊龍和聶海勝分享了他們的升空經歷及艱苦訓練情況,並與代表團的科學家一同回答了觀眾多個提問。

The delegation of the Shenzhou - 6 Manned Space Flight Mission visited the Chinese University campus on 28 November 2005. In the forum held in Sir Run Run Shaw Hall, the delegation met with over 1,000 students and academics of 8 local tertiary institutions.

Led by Mr Hu Shixiang, the Deputy Commander-in-Chief of China's Manned Space Flight Program, the delegation includes astronauts Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng, and some ground scientists. They informed the audience of the latest development of China's space technology, the hardships in astronauts training, and astronauts' flight experience. The delegation answered a handful of questions raised by the audience.