Nominal inflection and morphosyntactic government in the deservative construction in Chinese
John Xiang-ling Dai 戴相陵

Abstract 摘要
This paper demonstrates that deservative -tou is an inflectional morpheme in Chinese, suffixed to the deverbal head noun in the complement of the deservative construction. More significantly, the nominal -tou form is morphosyntactically governed by the main verb (mei)you, on a par with the standard morphological case markings governed by individual verbs in European languages. The result of this study sheds light on such issues as derivational-inflectional distinction, productivity and nominalization in Chinese and Universal Grammar.

本文论证汉语中表示“值得”意思的“头”是一种屈折构词词素(inflectional morpheme)。 该词素是“头” 字结构 中补 语动名词 (deverbal head noun)的后缀。 更重要的是, 该名词性后缀在型态上受“头”字结构中谓语动词“没有”的支配。这与欧洲语言中动词支配其补语构词格(case)的现象相同。本文结论有助于探讨汉语及普遍语法中的三个问题:及派生构词(derivational morphology)和屈折构词 (inflectional morphology)的区别, 词缀的孳生性 (productivity), 以及动词的名词化(nominalization)。

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Journal of Chinese Linguistics   volume 22 (ISSN 0091-3723)
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