Using collocations to establish the source domains of conceptual metaphors
Siaw-Fong Chung; Chu-Ren Huang 锺晓芳; 黄居仁

Abstract 摘要
The Conceptual Metaphor Theory (Lakoff and Johnson, 1980; Lakoff, 1993) proposes a scenario-approach to conceptual metaphors, whereby prior knowledge of the mapped domains (target domains and source domains) is assumed to already exist before conceptual metaphors are created. However, this prior knowledge is not constrained. In this work, we instead propose that collocations can be integrated into lexical and computational methods to determine and constrain source domains. Our study uses a large sampling of corpora data and four computational steps to determine source domains. The results show that source domains can be identified through computational and criteria-based methodologies. This study will provide evidence to integrate linguistic collocations in order to test the Conceptual Metaphor Theory. Our results support the use of data-driven principles to predict the cognitively motivated conceptual relation between source and target domains.

概念隐喻理论 (Lakoff and Johnson, 1980; Lakoff, 1993) 提出了scenario-approach的概念隐喻方法。是该方法假设,在概念隐喻建立之前,其相对应之领域 (目标域及源域) 知识是存在的。然而,该方法却忽略了其源域领域信息是从何处所产生的重要性。本研究使用以语料库驱动之由下而上的方法,并且提出搭配词组能与词汇相合并,以及在判定源域时之计算方式。其中,我们使用了一个大量的语料库抽样数据,并利用四个步骤来判定源域。实验的结果显示,源域可以透过以准则为基础的方式来辨识。本研究将提供整合语言学搭配词组之证据,用以证明或推翻像概念隐喻理论之类的认知模型。该结果将能促进在计算及心理语言学之源域辨识评估工作。本研究之结果证实,以量化分析方法得以推论出,源域与目标域间之认知概念关系。


Keywords 关键词

Conceptual metaphors 隐喻源域 Source domain 隐喻概念 Collocations 搭配词组 Bottom-up approach 由下而上的方式 Corpus 语料库驱动

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Journal of Chinese Linguistics   volume 38 (ISSN 0091-3723)
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