Distinguishing synonymous constructions: A corpus-based study of Mandarin lian…dou and lian…ye constructions
分辨近义结构: 以語料库为本研究中文"连...都"及"连...也" 句式
Chueh-chen Wang 王珏珵, Lily I-wen Su 苏以文
Abstract 摘要
This paper takes a corpus-driven approach to re-examine the widespread synonymy view regarding Mandarin lian…dou and lian…ye, through a scrutiny of how they are actually manifested in natural language use. With corpus data, first of all, we verify the constructional statuses of lian…dou and lian…ye, and show that the two constructions are crucially distinguished via a split preference of focalization. Second, we argue that the split preference can be adequately explained by a comparison between the usage patterns of ye and dou. Third, our findings suggest an inheritance effect and interaction between related constructions. Finally, it is proposed that the constructionist approaches will benefit from investigating such subtleties in discourse usage as revealed in this study.
根据语料库所搜集到的自然语料, 本论文检视过往将中文里的“连…都”与“连…也” 两连词视为同义的正确性。 我们先证实此二连词的确构成了所谓的‘句式结构’,并指出它们其实并不同义 — 因为‘也’与‘都’的语意不同,“连…都”与“连…也”所着重的语意焦点也不相同。本研究因而凸显了构式的来源及语言互动对于语意了解的重要性。也说明了构式语法理论可藉由分析言谈篇章及大量的真实语料,充分解释类似的语言结构之间的微妙差异。
Subject Keywords 关键词
Argument structure 论元结构 Construction 句式结构 Focalization 焦点 Synonymy 同义词