Review of evolutionary linguistics in the past two decades and EVOLANG10: The 10the International Conference on Language Evolution
Tao Gong 龚涛; Lam Yau Wai 林攸蔚; Chen Xinying 陈芯莹; Zhang Menghan 张梦翰
Abstract 摘要
In this paper, by briefly reviewing the keynote speeches and pre-conference workshops of Evolang10, we revisited the flourishing development of evolutionary linguistics in the past two decades, and gave three comments on Evolang conference series, including: (a) reconsideration of the repulsive attitude toward historical linguistics research; (b) future directions of modeling and experimental studies; and (c) necessity of pragmatics and neuroscience explorations in evolutionary linguistics. In the end, we summarized the key contributions from Chinese scholars to evolutionary linguistics, rich linguistic resources in China, possible facets where Chinese scholars can make significant contributions, and current status of evolutionary linguistics research in China. We welcome and encourage more Chinese scholars to step into evolutionary linguistics and make our contributions to this booming field.
Subject Keywords 主题词
Evolutionary linguistics 演化语言学 Modeling 模拟仿真 Pragmatics 语用学 Neuroscience 脑科学