On the importance of the light verb constructions and the morphological prosody in Chinese diachonic syntax—Review of Shengli Feng's Hanyu lishi jufaxue lungao. (In Chinese)
Reviewed by Alain Peyraube; Lisha He 何丽莎
Abstract 摘要
This Hanyu lishi jufaxue lungao 汉语历时句法学论稿 (A Preliminary Theory of Diachronic Syntax in Chinese) by Shengli Feng 冯胜利is an entirely original and theoretical study on the historical evolution of the Chinese language. Its main aim is to present how the tools of formal syntax could help us in better understanding and explaining the mechanisms of syntactic change in Chinese. Several basic syntactic structures are deeply investigated in their historical development: BA-sentences, the causative and passive constructions, the ditransitive, the complement structures, as well as the issue of the syntheticity vs. analyticity of different stages of the Chinese language, etc. Two important phenomena have played a crucial role in the structural changes of Chinese, throughout its history: the light verb constructions and the prosody (linked to the bisyllabization starting in the Han times). The innovative analyses provided by Shengli Feng makes this book an essential working tool for all the linguists interested in Chinese historical grammar.
Subject Keywords 主题词
Syntax 句法 Diachronic change 历时演变 Light verbs 轻动词 Morphological prosody 韵律形态
Journal of Chinese Linguistics vol.47, no.1 (January 2019): 266-281
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