The metrical structure of regulated verse
Moira Yip 叶梅娜
Abstract 摘要
This paper gives additional arguments in favor of a metrical analysis of regulated verse similar to that proposed in Chen (1979) in the framework of Liberman and Prince (1977), and shows that such an analysis provides a unified explanation of the recitation rhythm, the freedom of certain positions, and the rarity of neutral toned syllables. A somewhat different labeling principle for the metrical trees is proposed that avoids the need for Chen’s Tonotactic Condition.
这篇文章为陈渊泉(1979)有关汉语诗律的论点提供证据.并以他的理论, 把 (一)律诗朗诵时的节奏, (二)王力所谓"一三五不论, 二四六分明"的原则, 以及(三)句法与格律的相互关系等三个问题放在一起, 统一处理.依此理论, 本文同时说明何以诗词在吟诵之时使用轻声的机会极少.这是因为音步结构树上的节有强(s)弱(w)之分, 而轻声不能出现在强节之下的缘故.同一理论也可以解释诗人什幺时候可以脱离正常的格律来作诗, 什幺时候不可以.我们常见一行诗中二,四字同调而违反正规, 这也可以用同样的理由来说明.最后本文以一个应用极广的原则, 把汉语律诗结构树上的各个节, 统一规定为强或弱.如此一来, 陈文中所提议有关调类排列的一个限制, 便属不必而可以免除了。
Journal of Chinese Linguistics volume 8 (ISSN 0091-3723)
Copyright © 1980 Journal of Chinese Linguistices. All rights reserved.