Chinese Inversion Construction within a Simplified LMT
One-Soon Her 何万顺

Abstract 摘要
In this paper, four-inversion construction in Mandarin Chinese, including locative inversion, dative shift, resultative inversion, and domain inversion, are accounted for within a simplified lexical mapping theory (LMT). The simplified LMT differs from the conventional LMT in several respects. First, it allows a-structure roles to be unspecified, underspecified, or fully specified for syntactic function assignment. Second, a single unified mapping principle replaces previous multiple mapping principles and well-formedness conditions. Inversion may be induced by a language-specific morphosyntatic operation that affects only the syntactic assignment of argument roles to grammatical functions, as in locative inversion and dative shift. Or, it may be the consequence of a morpholexical operation that creates a composite role and thus also the competition for syntactic function assignment between its two composing roles, as in resultative inversion and domain inversion.


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