
Cantonese constructions

Lawrence Cheung - dislocation focus constructions

Cantonese in the Media

BBC News - Anger at Cantonese language switch

Alfred Jones - '粵戰﹕語言背後的帝國主義? The Language Imperialism behind the Cantonese-Mandarin Dispute' (in Chinese), Century, Mingpao Daily News. D04. 14 August 2010.
(requires subscription to the newspaper Ming Pao; alternatively, the article is being circulated on the web such as here)

Cantonese research

Research Centre for Cantonese

Learning Cantonese

Adam Sheik - Learn Cantonese! CantoDict

Conferences and Workshops on Cantonese

International Conference on Yue Dialects (國際粵方言研討會)
Workshop on Cantonese