The Minimally Invasive Thoracic Surgery Interest Group (MITSIG) is formed with the intent of providing a forum to encourage the investigation, open presentation and ongoing advancement of minimally invasive thoracic surgery. This group will attempt to provide leadership, innovation, and education through prospective research, registry data collection and yearly symposia.

Symposium Objectives
This two-day symposium will address the recent advances in cardiothoracic surgery.  A unique feature is the debates among international experts on controversial issues in current cardiothracic practice.  The proceedings of the meeting will be published in the European Journal of Cardio-thoracic Surgery.

General Information
Accommodation and Optional Tours:  Special discount on hotel accommodation and tours options within Hong Kong as well as to China and Southeast Asia are available through PC Tours and Travel [Please quote our symposium].

Official Travel Agent: The PC Tours and Travel has been appointed as the official travel agent to provide services to all delegates including transportation and accommodation reservation and tour booking.  For enquiries, please contact:

Special Airfare will be offered to participants from North America.  Seats are limited.  RESERVATIONS AND SCHEDULE INFORMATION may be obtained by calling the United Airlines International One Stop Shop at 1 800 237 9524 and referencing "S*OSS746BH".  The meeting desk hours are 8am to 9pm, Monday through Friday, Eastern Standard Time.
First 5 days pre/post the meeting
Business 5 days pre/post the meeting
Coach 5 days pre/post the meeting
Congress Banquet:  Limited seats are available for our Congress Banquet at the famous China Club for only USD75/HKD585

Official Language: The official language of the Workshop will be in English.  There will be no simultaneous translation.

12 CME points will be accredited by the College of Surgeons of Hong Kong;
10 CME points by Hong Kong College of Physicians and
10 CME points by Hong Kong College of Family Physicians for attendance.

Conference Venue: Shaw College Lecture Theatre,  The Chinese University of Hong Kong, New Territories, Hong Kong SAR, China. Transportation to the conference venue will be arranged by PC Tours and Travel for all registered delegates.