Archived News (appended)

Eugene Wu @

Recent News


  1. Updated index.htm main page.
  2. Updated all external links pages.
  3. Creating main layout of upcoming Pathology Teaching Slides pages.
  4. Finally created admin.htm for any questions on the site.
  5. Painstakingly changed all the pages to have the "building icon" link to ./ instead of This is very important, in case we have to switch to another web site. I should have thought of it earlier.
  6. Main web site complete! Version 1.5 is here. :-)


  1. Updated index.htm main page.
  2. Added rest of external links pages.
  3. Updated anchors on all science links pages.
  4. Change search forms on all pages to reflect to search page already created by CUHK Web Team.


  1. Updated index.htm main page.
  2. Fixed links at Physiology links page (2phys.htm).
  3. Added Nursing, Pharmacy, and Family Medicine links page.
  4. Created "top" anchors and changed "Return to Index" to "Return to Top" on all external links pages.
  5. Updated anchors on all science links pages.

Personal Daily Notes: I can no longer verify all the links in the external pages. After doing so on the Physiology page, I have realized it would take forever to manually do so, without some server-side assistance or a bot program. If I have time, I will try to use LinkBot or some other program to help me out. But after I have all the other web pages up.

Also, those particular programs are not known to be super reliable. Usually, if the host can connect to the remote compute and there is a page that says "Site has moved", then I will still consider the link active. And then I would have to verify all the links myself anyway.


  1. Updated index.htm main page. Added local address and re-assigned administration link to admin.htm from previous e-mail address.
  2. Creating main layout for upcoming ACP home page on local workstation.
  3. Continued to create web pages for the external links; added Physiology (2phys.htm)
  4. Updated all external links pages to form categories, like Institutions, Conferences, etc.

Recent News