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FEB 2015
“ Te a c h 4 H K
i s a n o n p r o f i t
o r g a n i z a t i o n
with a mission to
enlist outstanding
u n i v e r s i t y
s t u d e n t s w i t h
d i v e r s i f i e d
talents to serve in schools with underprivileged
students through a one-year teaching fellowship.
We partner with businesses and institutions to
provide leadership and career opportunities
to nurture our fellows to become leaders with
empathy, who will thrive in various fields and
continue to advocate for education fellowship.”
Teach4HK Upcoming Event
Teach4HK will participate in the upcoming CUHK
Careers Fair on 6 February 2015. Come to talk to the
representatives, know more about the programme and
apply for the fellowship.
About Arnold Chan
Arnold Chan is one of the Co-Founders of Teach4HK
良 師 香 港
. Prior to this, he served 3 years as an
Institutional Sales in Goldman Sachs covering
Greater China
s institutional clients such as
sovereign wealth funds, pension funds, insurance
companies and corporations. He obtained a BBA
(Global Business Studies) in 2010 from the Chinese
University of Hong Kong and is currently a MBA
Candidate of Harvard Business School.
B y c r e a t i n g
TFHK, we hope
that we can create
a p r og r amme
where students
can pursue their
passion of serving
the society but at
the same time,
p l an f o r t he i r
career. In the long
run, our vision
is that more and more young talents understand the
importance and impact of education and can contribute
to the education field even at various roles in the society.
My fellow CUHK students, do pursue your passion
and define your own success. Do not get discouraged
or distracted by others’ expectation towards you. Set
your own expectations on yourself and work hard to
achieve it. I wish I had appreciated more the diversity and
inclusiveness of CUHK while I was still here and thus
I encourage all of you to take what the University has
taught and given you to serve the society.
Your future is always in your own hands.
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