The workshop from 9th to 10th November 2019 helped IBCErs tremendously in developing team spirit and icebreaking with Global Business studies.
IBCE is a programme that embraces contemporary business ideas, including the focus on teamwork and communication. The workshop aims at developing team thinking and the sense of responsibility. IBCErs are given seemingly impossible tasks that require physical fitness, quick wit, and most importantly communication among teammates. IBCE Programme Co-Director Mr. Simon Lee actively participated in the workshop, preparing dinner and water balloon bombardment with IBCErs. Everyone had fun and gave overwhelmingly positive feedback to CUHK Undergraduate Office.
“The workshop was an enjoyable experience that helped establish close bonding between IBCE and GBS students. The sense of belonging has been fostered through the two-day-and-one-night adventure. We have learnt the importance of teamwork and effective communication, which have prepared us for the upcoming challenges,” said Kiki Ngai.