
Some Works that have been selected as Cover Arts: ...

Representiative Work: We came up with a concept of “Molecular Orbital Engineering”, a valuable way to develop novel se...

Representiative Work: Our way to access [9]circulene Negatively Curved Nanographenes Cheung, K. M.; Miao, Q.* Chapter 7 in Molecul...

Representative Work: Heptagon-embedded Nanographene (up to 6!) via pre-macrocyclization Synthesis, Molecular Packing and Semicondu...

Representative Work: Summary for the Scholl Reaction in Curved Aromatics (By us or other groups) The Scholl Reaction as a Powerful...

Representative Work: Finished the mission of conquering All Carbon Nanobelt using Scholl Reaction! Carbazole-Fused Polycyclic Arom...