Representative Work: A pentacene analogue with 2 heptagons, Also a great p-type semiconductor. Self-Assembled Monolayers of Cycloh...
Representative Work: An important progress of our group’s results on SAM layers for improved semiconductor performance. Conj...
Representative Work: Starting the journey of negatively curved nanographene and Hexabenzoperylene (HBP), which are pivotal for our...
Representative Work: Starting the journey of Tetraazapentacene(TAP), our star OFET molecule. The Position of Nitrogen in N-Heterop...
Representative Work: Our group’s solution to the long-lasting questions of growing crystalline rubrene thin film. N-Type Org...
![Before CUHK](
Hexathiapentacene: Structure, Molecular Packing and Thin-Film Transistors Briseno, A.L.; Miao, Q.; Ling, M.-M.; Reese, C.; Meng, H...