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“2024 Xinfengjiang Reservoir Joint Field Trip” of students from Sun Yat-sen University in the Mainland and The Chinese University of Hong Kong was successfully launched.

In response to the national development strategy of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and promoting the exchange of teachers and students between universities in the Mainland and Hong Kong, the "2024 Xinfengjiang Reservoir Joint Field Trip" was jointly organized by the School of Earth Sciences and Engineering of Sun Yat-sen University and Earth and Environmental Sciences Programme of The Chinese University of Hong Kong from 20-22 April 2024. More than 30 students from both universities, led by Professor Zheng Wenjun, Professor Shen Xuzhang of Sun Yat-sen University and Professor Yang Hongfeng of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, attended the event.

Group photo
Professors and students of the two Universities took a group photo at the Xinfengjiang Earthquake Observaroty

National Earthquake Emergency Rescue Training Base

The inclined building is one of the main training sites of the earthquake rescue training base, and the inclined angle is 21 degree, the largest among its kind. After professors and students enter the inclined building, their bodies instantly form an oblique angle with the ground, making it very difficult to walk. It also leads to a sense of dizziness, and some students need to hold on to the window and look into the distance to balance.

Inclined building of the Xinfengjiang Earthquake Observatory
Teachers and students experience the special seismic environment training inclined building of the Xinfengjiang Earthquake Observatory

Inclined building of the Xinfengjiang Earthquake Observatory
Inclined building of the Xinfengjiang Earthquake Observatory
Teachers and students of the Chinese University of Hong expressed their excitements in the inclined building.

Earthquake Monitoring Center

Seismic monitoring includes measurement of earthquake precursor anomalies and seismic activities. Professor Zheng Wenjun introduced the fault structures in the area and their relationship with earthquakes, and Professor Yang Hongfeng and Professor Shen Xuzhang explained the development of modern seismology to the students. In the exhibition room of earthquake prevention and disaster reduction, students learned about the basic knowledge of earthquakes and the historical development of earthquake monitoring technology.

Deputy Director Wu Xiangchun introduced the modern seismic monitoring system.
Deputy Director Wu Xiangchun introduced the modern seismic monitoring system

Xinfengjiang Reservoir Construction History Exhibition Hall

Deputy director Wu Xiangchuan of Xingfeng Earthquake Observatory introduced to the students the important role played by earth science during the construction process of the Xinfengjiang Reservoir. The reservoir is not only the largest water conservancy project integrating water storage and power generation in China built in 1950-60s, but also famous at home and abroad because of the occurrence of M 6.1 reservoir-induced earthquake, which opened the prelude to reservoir earthquake research in China and even the world.

Professor Yang Hongfeng explained the knowledge of the earthquake of Xinfengjiang Reservoir to the students.
Professor Yang Hongfeng explained the knowledge of the earthquake of Xinfengjiang Reservoir to the students

Heyuan Dinosaur Museum

Because of strong storm, the planned visit to the dam on the second day had to be cancelled. The group visited the Dinosaur Egg Museum of the Chinese Museum of Ancient Zoology in Heyuan instead. The display of the museum is based on the theme of dinosaur culture, divided into three exhibition halls: "dinosaur delivery room", "dinosaur footprints" and "dinosaur hometown", mainly exhibiting the rich dinosaur fossil resources of the "trinity" of dinosaur eggs, dinosaur bones and dinosaur footprints in Heyuan City. The professors led the team to explain the history of the evolution of life on earth, dinosaurs and dinosaur egg fossils to the students, and explained the history of geological evolution and other related knowledge in combination with the content of the exhibition hall.

Professor Zheng Wenjun explained to the students the knowledge related to the evolution of life on the earth.
Professor Zheng Wenjun explained to the students the knowledge related to the evolution of life on the earth.