Strategic Plan 2021—2025

CUHK is proud of its traditions. ‘CUHK 2025’ is in one sense a continuation of the University’s previous strategic plan. However, continuity always finds itself amidst change; the human condition is never static. ‘To combine tradition with modernity; to bring together China and the West ( 結合傳統與現代 融會中國與西方 )’ —this stands at the heart of the mission of CUHK and will continue to guide our aspirations. At the same time, tradition must seek fresh interpretation in every age for it to stay relevant, truly alive, resulting in a fusion of horizons that garners and distills the wisdom of tradition in addressing current issues constructively and creating value for present and future generations. This is the spirit that underlies the formulation of ‘CUHK 2025’, not to attract attention with novelties that often fade away as quickly as they arrive, but to focus and enhance the strength of our community to further the fundamental goals of the University. The external environment poses serious challenges for university development at this juncture. There are global issues such as climate change and the emergence of new infectious diseases that cry out for urgent attention. There are equally critical local concerns. Demographic shifts, geopolitical fissures and inequality add to the complexity of the higher education landscape. In this context, there is every need for the University to focus on its core business in achieving excellence in education, research and service. The theme of ‘CUHK 2025’ is excellence with a deep sense of purpose and responsibility. This does not drive a wedge between theoretical and practical knowledge, or between basic and applied research. Rather, excellence with purpose, which entails responsibility, sharpens our vision and emphasizes the impact and contributions we make towards a better future. Excellence is as much a process as it is a desired end. As an end, excellence is marked by achievements of the highest quality. As a process, it extends beyond operational success that measures the execution of business strategies by short-term results. As a process, excellence defines the self-understanding, aim and sustained effort of individuals and institutions in achieving the best possible outcomes. Excellence with purpose and responsibility renders explicit that these outcomes serve the interests of humanity. Excellence is not an accolade we seek, but a commitment to making a positive difference through education, research, engagement and everything we do. In modern Chinese, the word xin ( 心 ) means the heart. However, in classical Chinese philosophy, xin signifies the seat of cognition, emotions and ethical dispositions, and as such it is often translated into English as the ‘heart-mind’. This points to a holistic understanding of the self and personal growth, bringing into view the perceived integral nature of intellectual and ethical excellence. The CUHK motto, ‘ 博文約禮 ’ or ‘Through learning and temperance to virtue’, reflects a similar view. While recognizing the need for new interpretation and application, the University is committed to staying true to its roots, in the belief that, as the Confucian Analects aptly puts it, ‘Once the roots are established, the Dao or Way will grow.’ In the final analysis, this is the kind of excellence we seek, of both heart and mind, with purpose and responsibility, exemplifying the highest standards, and as a process of building a community that embraces diversity and stays united in its effort to enrich the lives of the people of Hong Kong and beyond. World recognition will come because of this commitment and the results we achieve, which is a consequence but not the reason for engaging in the pursuit of excellence. Through ‘CUHK 2025’, which involved extensive consultations with the University community, we hope to be able to take another firm step in that direction. Continuity and Change: Excellence with Purpose and Responsibility CUHK 2025 9