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聯合書院思源文娛中心重新開放 位於聯合書院鄭棟材樓地庫的思源文娛中心由本年十月廿九日起重新開放,供中大師生及校友使用。中心服務及設施將與大學賓館系統合作管理。中心內設有酒吧、表演台、私人宴會室等供使用或租用。中心營業時間為星期一至六,下午五時至晚上十一時。訂座及查詢請致電26037486。
United College Si Yuan Amenities Centre Reopens
The Si Yuan Amenities Centre has been reopen for business on 29 October 2005 under new management by the University Guesthouse System. Staff, students and alumni of the University are welcomed to make use of the splendid services and facilities of the Centre including the pub, karaoke room and private function room. The Centre is located on the lower ground floor of T.C. Cheng Building, United College. It opens on Mondays-Saturdays from 5:00 pm to 11:00 pm. For booking and reservation, please call 2603 7486.
1. 登入中大體育部網頁 (www.peu.cuhk.edu.hk) 內的訂場系統作網上訂場。 2. 成功訂場後,須列印訂場証明以便用場時作識別之用。 3. 於用場前致電聯合書院體育部 (電話:2609 7539) 取得網球場大閘密碼鎖的密碼。致電取密碼的時間為:
星期一至六:用場 當天辦公時間之內。 假期: 用場前一天的辦公時間內。
4. 進入網球場後,請將大閘關上。 5. 如須燈光照明,可按大閘旁電箱內的開燈掣便可。用場完畢,請於用一電箱內按關燈掣以熄燈光照明(如訂一號場,請按一號場之燈掣;如訂二號場,則按二號場之燈掣) 。 6. 離開網球場時,請於用一電箱內按開門掣。 7. 離開網球場後,請將大閘關上。
Re-open of the United College Tennis Courts After installation of the lighting system, the United College Tennis Courts will re-open for use from Monday, 14 November 2005. United College staff, students and alumni who want to book and use the United College Tennis Courts should follow the booking procedures below: 1. Enter the website of the Physical Education Unit (www.peu.cuhk.edu.hk), book the preferred court through the On-line Sports Facilities Booking System. 2. If the booking is successful, print out and keep the booking record for identification when using the court. 3. Before using the court, phone the Physical Education Unit of United College (Tel: 26097539) for the code of the gate at the following time: Monday to Saturday: Same day during office hours before using the court. Public holiday: During office hours one day before using the court. 4. Close the gate properly after entering the tennis court. 5. If lighting is needed, press the “ON” button inside the electric box beside the gate. Also press the “OFF” button if you want to turn off the light (Press the respective numbered buttons for lighting of the court you use). 6. Press the “Door Open” button in the same electric box to open the gate. 7. Make sure the gate has been properly closed before leaving.
下期《聯合動態》將於二零零五年十二月十五日出版。稿件請於二零零五年十一月三十日或以前送達聯合書院曾肇添樓201室或傳真至2603 5412或電郵至:vincent-li@uc.cuhk.edu.hk。來稿請以中文及英文撰寫。
查詢請致電2609 7455與李嘉麒先生聯絡。
Next Issue of the United News
The next issue of the United News will be published on 15 December 2005. News items in both Chinese and English should be sent to Room 201, Tsang Shiu Tim Building, United College or by fax to 2603 5412 or via e-mail to vincent-li@uc.cuhk.edu.hk on or before 30 November 2005.
For enquiries feel free to contact Mr Vincent Li on 2609 7455.