
下期《聯合動態》將於2009年11月16日出版。歡迎教職員報告研究、著作、出席會議及其他人事動態。稿件請於2009年11月6日或以前送達書院曾肇添樓201室或傳真至2603 5412或電郵至:unitedcollege@cuhk.edu.hk。來稿請以中文及英文撰寫。

查詢請致電2696 1696或2609 7455與本院陳敏樂女士或楊頌妍女士聯絡 。

Next Issue of United News

The next issue of United News will be published on 16 November 2009. Staff members are welcome to report their research, publications, conferences attended as well as other information. Contributions in both Chinese and English should be sent to Room 201, Tsang Shiu Tim Building, United College or by fax to 2603 5412 or via email to unitedcollege@cuhk.edu.hk on or before 6 November 2009. 

For enquiries, please contact Ms Mandy M L Chan or Ms Amy C Y Yeung at 2696 1696 or 2609 7455.